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  • Food Cost

    Food Cost0

    I’m one of those few people who LOVE to grocery shop. I enjoy walking up and down the isles to see what goodies I can find and prepare my family for the next two weeks of meals. The only time I don’t like going to the grocery store is when it’s too busy, and you

  • Be a Leader, Not a Follower0

    Be a Leader, Not a Follower Love Dad That’s what is tattooed on my left arm in my dad’s handwriting. Growing up, my dad, Lee Perry, taught my brother Luke and me always to lead the pack. Don’t ever try to be someone you’re not. Be your own person, and make people want to follow

  • Summer Heat

    Summer Heat0

    It’s safe to say summer is officially here. These temps have been hot already, and we aren’t even to July and August yet — but I’m ready. I’ve been really looking forward to summer this year, though, which is saying something. I love all the activities of summer, just not the humidity. With my new

  • Happy Hunting

    Happy Hunting0

    Wow, I blinked, and it’s June. Unbelievable. I’m finding out the truth about “the older you get, the faster time goes.” I don’t know where the weeks or months go. I am feeling guilty lately for how busy we have been. Do you ever feel like your weeks just constantly fill up so fast? I

  • Memorial Day

    Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day weekend is one of my favorite long weekends. Honestly, it’s my favorite spring/summer holiday! It’s the kick-off to summer! NOT that I love the stupid hot weather in the slightest. I just look forward to this long weekend and all the fun the warmer weather brings. I love the Rock-n-Roll 500 on 99.3

  • It’s a Lifestyle Change

    It’s a Lifestyle Change0

    Well, summer is just around the corner. Can you believe it!? Are you out there really watching what you are eating to get that summer body ready? There are two things I hate about this question. ONE: Who wants to deprive themselves and not eat your favorite foods just to be able to look ‘perfect’


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