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  • That’s a Wrap

    That’s a Wrap0

    It was a beautiful Sunday. Felt like spring. I knew enough not to wear long sleeves to church. They keep that place pretty darn toasty for the elderly. I sit there just dreaming about some moving air and try not to wake up the upper lip sweat that’s been in hibernation since the end of

  • If Everyone Loved Jesus0

    Can you imagine if we lived in a world where everyone loved Jesus? How amazing would that be? To be surrounded by people who love and trust in him. People would be happier, kinder, and have so much more hope to hold on to. What if everyone held a door open for you? OK, what

  • The Battle

    The Battle0

    The nights are getting longer, and afternoons are feeling warmer. Spring is officially among us. We were so lucky this year; it really was a mild winter. Coming from someone who loves snow, I feel robbed, though. We didn’t get much of that beautiful white stuff. But, working for a fueling company and seeing oil

  • Sweet Tooth

    Sweet Tooth0

    Are you a salty or sweet person or, like me, a little of both? I was always a salt person until I got pregnant with Kenzy. I craved McDonald’s ice cream cones like crazy and ice cream in general. I liked ice cream before but never “had to have it” until I was pregnant. With

  • Get Your Beef On0

    Last week I grabbed two pounds of ground beef out of our freezer and went to work. I had planned on burgers, but found out that’s what we were having Thursday with the family for dinner so I had to change my menu. That’s the beauty about ground beef. There is so much you can

  • Grandparents Create Memories That the Heart Holds Forever0

    I know many of you love the family part of my writing. I hear all the time how you love hearing stories about my family. My grandparents always seem to be the highlight in a lot of these. If it wasn’t for my family, I don’t think I would be the writer I am. I


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