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  • Empowering Dads

    Empowering Dads0

    Do I apologize now for missing certain dates, or just wait till the end of the year to do so? Good grief. First, Mother’s Day, then Father’s Day. It’s scary how fast time goes. It doesn’t help that I write a week ahead, plus I have a one-track mind lately. It was perfect that I

  • The Valley, River and Mountains

    The Valley, River and Mountains0

    This week we are preparing for ten glorious days on the river over the fourth of July. It’s always such a fun two weekends. Fireworks going off, boats all over the river, and everyone enjoying the outdoors. In the mornings, I’ll go lay in our hammock along the riverbank or sit on our swing off

  • Just Ask Google0

    Here I am in the car on an eight-and-a-half-hour road trip, writing my column. Time wasn’t on my side to get it done before we left, but when you have hours in the car, you might as well write. I do get car sick, but I just have to stop here and there and look

  • Gardens, Geese, & Pitchforks

    Gardens, Geese, & Pitchforks0

    My Pap, Floyd Liddick, has been gone for seven years now. My Gram, Lois Liddick, and Pap had a house about a half mile up the road from us. Driving by was part of my daily routine. Gram would be out watering the flowers, and Pap would be up working in his garden or on

  • The Game of Memory

    The Game of Memory0

    It’s funny how you see or hear something, and it takes you back to something you hadn’t thought about in years. Today my son Tyler was getting ready to go fishing at the river. It’s hot, and the sun is bright. I packed him some snacks in my lunch box and made sure he had

  • Happy, Sad, Angry, or Mad

    Happy, Sad, Angry, or Mad0

    Emotions. Boy, is there a lot. Of course, we all want to be happy each and every day, but emotions get the best of us. We can have a perfectly good day, but then some crazy person just cuts us off on the highway. Your mood can instantly change. You can be having the worst


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