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  • The Roving Sportsman… A Bear Hunt With a Twist

    The Roving Sportsman… A Bear Hunt With a Twist0

    Over the years, I have had the good fortune to have taken several black bears and one grizzly. The grizzly came as a bonus on a Dall sheep hunt in Alaska, and the black bear hunts took place in Pennsylvania and Idaho. Now, I was hoping to hunt for black bear where the chance of

  • Pennsylvania Fall Hunting Opportunities0

    The ever-shortening days and the cooler temperatures are clear indicators that we have finally entered the fall season. With that come the various hunting opportunities within our state. Sure, many hunters daydream about hearing a bull elk bugle across a mountain meadow in the Rocky Mountains or pursuing big game in the great state of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Hunting the Allagash0

    The North Maine Woods (NMW) has, for a long time, been a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It encompasses over 3.5 million acres and is visited by over 100,000 travelers each year. Within the northernmost tip of the NMW lies Aroostook County, and within this county is the area of some 84,000 acres known as

  • The Roving Sportsman… Pennsylvania’s Timber Rattlesnakes0

    Having grown up in Lycoming County and spending most of the years of my life roaming its hills and streams, it has been a natural progression to be an avid lover of nature and to enjoy the outdoor sporting opportunities that this wonderful area provides. Through the years, my respect and admiration for all the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fall Food Plots0

    Where has the time gone? Summer seems to have slipped away as August is ending, and on September 23, fall officially begins! Several weeks ago, I did plant a fall blend of seeds to create several food plots for deer. The mix included wheat, rye, oats, winter peas, crimson clover, radish, collard, turnip, beets, and

  • The Roving Sportsman… Recent Tick Information Updates0

    With the peak of the tick season about to be upon us, it is important to learn all you can about ticks in Pennsylvania and why it is so critical to be aware of the dangers they can present. Within the borders of Pennsylvania, most folks know about the “deer tick,” but actually, there are


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