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  • Road Trips0

    The high school basketball season is in full swing. Yes. I have already seen some of you in the local gyms. I appreciate all the kind words, folks. I sincerely do. I ENJOY THOSE ARTICLES will always get you a fist bump or a hug. Kids under the age of 10 will score a $5

  • My Gridiron Boys

    My Gridiron Boys0

    One of the joys of scribing is getting to know so many great kids involved with sports. We would get to know one another in high school, and then we would stay in touch. Sometimes, I will do a college or professional follow-up. Yes. It is always fun. There is an impressive list. This keeps

  • The Amish Buck0

    Happy belated Thanksgiving to my family and friends. I hope everything was spectacular. Ours was grand. My rents made it back to California. We had a blast. Jim and I framed and blocked the new garage. It is my understanding that I will have to finish everything by March. I apologize for skipping out last

  • The Addition. 96.75% Done.0

    I have mentioned before that my father and I are building an addition. It has been several months since my last update. No. I am not slacking. We are still making progress. 96.75% done. I am still doing my best to chronicle the entire experience. Oh my, folks. There is never a dull moment. My

  • Lycoming Hoops0

    Daylight savings is always an adjustment. And after two weeks, I am still struggling. It gets dark at 4:30. No more golf. Forget fishing. Can’t even mow grass. Depressing. Thankfully, the basketball season is now upon us. My favorite sport will help fill the void. I no longer coach, but I love to sit in

  • Logan and Me

    Logan and Me0

    Paul McGinn and I have been good friends for a very long time. We coached hoops together, and we called a few games with WEBBWEEKLYLIVE. Paul is a great dude, and he is always around. We don’t see much of each other nowadays as we focus more on our sons. Thankfully, our boys still look


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