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  • Backyard Bassin’

    Backyard Bassin’0

    Wow. You look great. Have you lost weight? No. Not really. Jeez, you’re tan. You must be playing lots of golf. Not at all. Actually, I came up with a new workout routine. It doesn’t require much skill, and it’s somewhat refreshing. You only need a little time and a pole. I like to call

  • Golf for Miracles0

    There is only one tournament my lovely bride encourages me to partake in, and I have taken full advantage for the past eight Memorial Day Weekends. My friends and I take an annual road trip to State College to tee it up for the kids. This year’s roster included three of my finest chums and

  • Waterlogged Baseballs0

    Let me apologize for missing last week’s deadline. I am what they call an unreliable part-time scribe that was temporarily without an electronic device. I slipped on a rock, and my phone ended up in the middle of Lycoming Creek. We were both submerged in three feet of water for five minutes straight. I was

  • My Good Walk Spoiled0

    SANDBAGGER 1. Someone who disguises a strength or skill in order to gain a competitive edge. 2. A sneaky hustler who deliberately plays well below his abilities just to position himself in a future event. 3. A desperate cheater who posts bogus scores to secure a favorable handicap. I am smack dab in the middle

  • Tight Lines0

    I’ve mentioned before that I am one of North Central PA’s biggest fans. It’s true. Seriously folks. What’s not to love about the 570? This place is just splendid, and our beautiful area is the perfect backdrop for an outdoor enthusiast like me. Yes. I absolutely dig everything about her, and I am still patiently

  • Magnolia Lane0

    Many of the hackers and duffers from all over the globe just tuned in FORE the very first major. I don’t know about you, but I find myself completely glued to the television the first weekend in April. So instead of fishing or shoveling the spring snow — I usually lock myself in the basement


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