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  • Hawaiian & Challenger Triumphs0

    What began as a fun-filled parade traversing Fourth Street with Little League players both throwing and catching candy and rubber baseballs from their flatbed trailer chariots ended its 75th celebration thirteen days later as the newly crowned Honolulu, Hawaii champions completed their Lamade Stadium victory lap by tossing baseballs to the cheering fans on the

  • A President Returns0

    The expanded 20-team field, record-setting rain delays, and on-field excitement of the 2022 Little League Baseball World Series is now in the record books, but as it always has done, the thousands of visitors that flocked to our community and the locals that took in the action all came away with newfound memories they will

  • Finn in Fenway0

    As the Boston Red Sox made their appearance at Bowman Field last Sunday against the Baltimore Orioles in the annual MLB/Little League Classic game, Penn State senior Hunter Finn felt a kinship to the team he had just left a week earlier. Scheduled to graduate next spring with a degree in Turf, Grass Management, the

  • Smell the Roses0

    Embarking on a ten-hour car ride returning from a relaxing week in Tennessee’s Great Smokey Mountains, the Virginia hillside passed by, and country tunes were emanating from the car radio. But in reality, I was a bit oblivious to both. I didn’t realize it at the time, and I hadn’t heard the song in years

  • A Tale of Two Seasons0

    It’s become somewhat of a common practice in many sports leagues around the country; a season divided into two halves. It’s usually done to create and maintain fan interest, sort of a mid-course correction giving teams in a league new life and enthusiasm. So, if you’ve been involved in a sport for more than 35

  • Coming Home0

    Paying no mind to the contents of author Thomas Wolfe’s 1940 novel You Can’t Go Home Again, newly appointed St. John Neumann basketball coach Louis Roskowski has done just that and is brimming with enthusiasm and anticipation as he takes over the reins of the Golden Knights boys’ program. Roskowski grew up in Williamsport, playing


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