
Latest Issue

  • Baltimore Orioles

    Baltimore Orioles0

    I’m not talking baseball here, but rather my topic this week is actually about those eye-catching birds that occasionally grace our backyards this time of year. To be fair, I’ll admit I’m not a hardcore, dedicated bird watcher, but I do enjoy having a variety of birds around my home, and like a lot of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Respecting Mother Nature’s Gifts0

    Finally! After what seemed like an endless winter with no spring to bring us warmer weather, the daytime and overnight temperatures are finally beginning to rise and provide much more pleasant conditions to enjoy our great outdoors. With the warming trend come some of Mother Nature’s great wonders. It is the season for birth throughout

  • Turkey Hunting – It’s Not Too Late0

    Years ago, as a young man just getting into hunting and fishing, I was always eager to be out on the first day. Like a lot of other hunters and fishermen, I was under the impression that you had to score early or you might as well kiss your chances of success good-bye. I never

  • Why the Water Matters to Novice Kayakers

    Why the Water Matters to Novice Kayakers0

    Kayaking is a fun way to spend an afternoon, particularly in the summertime. If smiles on the faces of kayakers aren’t enough to convince you just how fun this sport can be, perhaps statistics can convince you how enjoyable it is to paddle away in a kayak. According to the Physical Activity Council, which each

  • Make the Most of Your Staycation With These Activities

    Make the Most of Your Staycation With These Activities0

    Staycations have grown in popularity in recent years. A 2018 poll from YouGov Omnibus found that 53 percent of the more than 100,000 participants had taken a staycation at some point, proving that forgoing traditional vacations for relaxing respites in the comfort of home is a wildly popular trend. While they might not be as

  • How to Safely Watch Wildlife

    How to Safely Watch Wildlife0

    Outdoor enthusiasts know that the wonders of nature never cease. Encountering wildlife while enjoying the great outdoors can be an experience unlike any other, especially when nature lovers know what to do and how to treat wildlife with caution and respect. The National Park Service notes that the safety of nature lovers and wildlife depends

  • Wait Until Next Year0

    Despite our current ‘social distancing’ and ‘yellow’ directives, one thing remains constant; ‘people do talk.’ It has now been three weeks since Little League International President and CEO Steve Keener put out the word everyone thought was coming but still didn’t want to hear — the cancellation of the 2020 World Series. Although social conversations

  • Host Community to Feel the Void0

    By Scott Lowery While the news media accounts of the Little League World Series sent around the world, each August carry the dateline Williamsport, PA; as all the locals know since the late 1950s, it is South Williamsport that calls the Series home. As the Borough Manager & Public Safety Director of the host community,

  • YWCA to Host First Virtual Event0

    The YWCA Northcentral PA is super excited to announce they are hosting their very first virtual event! Livestreaming through Facebook, all members of the community are encouraged to check in with them. Due to the current pandemic, they have postponed their Gala and Auction until next spring. Because of this, they still want to see

  • How to Exercise During the Pandemic0

    Life changed overnight for millions of people across the globe in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, which shuttered businesses and forced many people to follow stay-at-home measures issued by their local governments. These measures not only affected the overall health of those infected with the virus, but also those who experienced no symptoms and

  • PennDOT Urges Bicycle Safety0

    Parents and Caregivers Reminded of PA’s Bicycle Helmet Law The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) reminds parents and caregivers that Pennsylvania’s Bicycle Helmet Law states anyone under the age of 12 must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. This applies to anyone operating the bicycle, riding as a passenger, or riding in an attached

  • Stuck at Home? Try Fly-Tying.3

    Stuck at Home? Try Fly-Tying. Yeah, I know, a lot of people are hovering around home these days. Personally, I’ve been roaming the woods, wading streams or floating a lake; it’s not something I started to do because of a virus but rather it’s something I’ve always done because I love outdoor activities like hunting