
Latest Issue

  • The Roving Sportsman… Time to Check Your Turkey Vest!0

    It happened last Tuesday. I received a call from a fellow hunter who was all excited about watching 4 long bearded gobblers in his back yard scratching for whatever seeds or morsels they could find. He had been concerned about how they had been doing through the heavy snows and ice layers that were hindering

  • Fertilizer


    Fertilizer is important, whether growing houseplants, container plants, or a garden. Before you get started, you can check your soil using a simple test kit. If you contact your local Cooperative Extension office, they will send you a test kit (approximately $10). Our local Cooperative is the Penn State Extension. Their web address is

  • A Lesson Related0

    At 6’8”, Dean Kriebel is an imposing figure as he stalks the sidelines. While a basketball court is a familiar surrounding for the former Lock Haven University standout who earned a tryout with the Philadelphia 76ers, his new role as seventh-grade coach for the South Williamsport Mountaineers reengages him with the game he loves while

  • The “Fishing Transition Period”

    The “Fishing Transition Period”0

    The “Fishing Transition Period” — if you are not a die-hard, year around fisherman, I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about. The period I’m referring to generally falls during the month of March. It’s that time when the lake ice begins to weaken and starts to break up, making ice fishing unsafe,

  • The Roving Sportsman: The Many Uses of Shed Antlers0

    This week’s changing weather pattern has finally begun to reveal the hope that springtime is just around the corner. With midday temperatures steadily holding in the upper 30’s and lower 40’s, we can look forward to a slow and even melting of the winter snows and ice and the eventual greening up of the landscape.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Shed Antler Hunting0

    Well, Mother Nature certainly has been dealing us a winter unlike any we have seen in the past few years, but ever so slowly the temperatures are rising and the snows seem to be subsiding. Wildlife of all sorts have had a difficult time of finding food to see themselves through the deep snows and

  • Sheds0

    No, this isn’t a story about that little shack outback of your neighbor’s house, but rather this is about the antlers that our bucks begin to shed or drop every year about this time. I’m not much into shed hunting, but I have some friends who go out every year searching for dropped antlers. I’m

  • Crosscutters 2021 Schedule Released0

    Just one week after Punxsutawney Phil saddled us with his unwelcomed six-more-weeks-of-winter prognostication, the Williamsport Crosscutters provided us with a glimpse of spring with the release of the 2021 season schedule for the new MLB Draft League. The Cutters are joined in the six-team circuit by the State College Spikes, Trenton Thunder, Mahoning Valley Scrappers,

  • Seeds0

    Preparing your seeds is an easy step in the gardening process. Seeds only need heat and moisture to begin germinating. You can purchase seed starters sold in lawn and garden stores or purchase bags of soil. If organic soil is your preference, take time and read the ingredients label on the bag. A lot of

  • This Week’s LION: Success at Camp Susque0

    In 1946, four men took 16 boys on a two-night camping trip up the Loyalsock Creek. On the second night, around a campfire, the boys began to share some concerns from their lives which they had never voiced before that night. The leaders were overwhelmed at the boys’ response, and they began to discuss the

  • Bluebird Nest Boxes Help Connect With Wildlife0

    It’s soon time to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring! Spring might not be “just around the corner,” but bluebirds will be scouting out nesting sites before you know it, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission can help bring them and other songbirds to your backyard. Bluebird nesting boxes built by staff at the

  • Crosscutters Unveil Schedule for Inaugural MLB Draft League Season

    Crosscutters Unveil Schedule for Inaugural MLB Draft League Season0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters in conjunction with Major League Baseball have announced the 2021 schedule for the all-new MLB Draft League. The league will be the first in the country focused on top prospects eligible to be drafted during the season while giving them the unique opportunity to showcase their abilities and gain exposure to MLB