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  • Rubik’s Cube

    Rubik’s Cube0

    I can’t completely put the 2021 Little League Baseball World Series in the rearview mirror without passing on one of those heartwarming stories that make Little League about much more than baseball games played by sub-teenagers. Ken Sawyer has repeatedly dubbed it “a series like no other,” and some have expressed the opinion that it

  • Our “Ugliest” Winged Creature0

    Maybe I should be a little more considerate and rephrase that story title and say our “not so attractive” winged creature. If you haven’t already guessed, I’m referring to the common and frequently sighted turkey vulture. The vulture’s featherless red or pinkish head and neck are anything but cute, and their eating habits only add

  • Another Recap0

    Congratulations to my friends at Little League International. They somehow found a way to crown a 2021 World Series Champion. The new norms and COVID protocols were a major challenge. Everyone’s an expert, and I applaud my chums for providing another great experience. I am very proud to live in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The crowds at

  • Ken Sawyer’s 50th1

    Ken Sawyer was honored by Steve Keener, Little League International President, and CEO. I was tipped off it was coming, and I enjoy surprises as long as they are happening to other people. For a couple of decades, I have enjoyed the privilege of being a part of the iHeart Media radio coverage of the

  • The “Electronics” of Catching Late Summer Crappies0

    Bruce, me and Dan after a successful day on the lake. What on Earth do electronics have to do with catching crappies or any other fish for that matter? Well, actually, electronic devices and equipment can play a significant role in fishing success. Don’t misunderstand; you still must know what you are doing; you must

  • The Roving Sportsman… Safety Should Be Priority One!0

    Dove and Canada goose seasons are underway; squirrel season opens on September 11 and in just over 3 weeks, the statewide archery deer season will begin. Cooler temperatures are starting to prevail and soon fall colors will begin to paint the landscape. While most conscientious hunters practice and prepare before the seasons, an alarming number

  • Williamsport Sun: September 2, 1941 – From the Fans Sports Editor – The Sun0

    Most of the baseball fans of Williamsport no doubt know of Little League which has just completed its third year of hardball, but I wonder how many of them know of those responsible for the success of the league and what they are attempting to accomplish with their players.  A limited number of boys between

  • The Roving Sportsman… Together as One0

    Recently, I started to watch a video wherein the presenter was relating his opinion that planting food plots for wildlife was not really a good idea. I am, however, a strong proponent of doing just that — taking the time, energy, and money to invest in establishing food plots that not only benefit deer and

  • Keep an Eye Out for Wading Birds

    Keep an Eye Out for Wading Birds0

    When I mentioned wading birds in the title, I am actually referring to a family of birds known as the Heron Family. Pennsylvania is host to over a half-dozen different species of herons, but the two you are most likely to spot are the Great Blue Heron and the Great Egret often referred to as

  • Changes beyond the Series0

    The 2021 Little League Baseball World Series, best described by my radio broadcast colleague Ken Sawyer as “a Series like no other,” is now history. Baseball was played, a champion was crowned, and many memories were made by the 16 competing teams and the enthusiastic — but smaller — crowds that followed them. But, as

  • How to Get Kids Into Golf

    How to Get Kids Into Golf0

    When a global pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization in March 2020, parents were left scrambling for fun and healthy ways to keep their kids occupied. Virtual learning sessions replaced days spent in the classroom, and many extracurricular activities were canceled in an attempt to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Parents

  • Yosemite


    My wife and I are on our way home from our West Coast pilgrimage. We decided to leave Jensen in California for another week with his grandparents. Traveling is not Teach’s forte. It seems to get worse with age. She means well, but she definitely struggles in a plane. The poor gal doesn’t have much