
Latest Issue

  • Mosquitoes May be Taking a Bite Out of Our Grouse Hunting

    Mosquitoes May be Taking a Bite Out of Our Grouse Hunting0

    Pennsylvania’s grouse season opens statewide on October 16 and runs to November 26; a second season runs from December 13-24. I’d be the first to admit that I am not a dedicated grouse hunter, but I have enjoyed walking the woods on a number of occasions with my 12-gauge at the ready. I’ve certainly missed

  • The Roving Sportsman… Archery Tree Stand Safety0

    The statewide archery antlered and antlerless deer season began on October 2. As the season progresses and nears that “magical” time of the rut, bowhunters will be spending an increasing amount of time in the woods. While hunting from the ground or in a ground blind can be successful, most would agree that a tree

  • The Presence of Fall0

    The arrival of fall has always presented me with a bit of a conundrum. As a fan of summer, I enjoy the warmer days with daylight lasting well into the early evening. Fall certainly has its better qualities with pleasant days, cool evenings and the annual display of color Mother Nature affords us. It is

  • We Are. Here to See Connor0

    The Spencers were in Happy Valley. We got an early start and somehow made it to State College. My lovely bride scored big at the very last minute. She is a proud 00 alum, and many of her roommates have season tickets. They are a great-looking bunch. Quite fun and full of spirit. These gals

  • The Roving Sportsman… Follow the Food0

    The next full moon will occur on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, and is called “The Hunter’s Moon.” It is so named to indicate that it is time to go hunting in preparation for the cold winter months ahead. The Pennsylvania archery deer season began on Saturday, October 2. Later this month, various small game seasons

  • Target Bass This Fall0

    I know that when the leaves begin to turn, and the temperatures begin to fall, much of our thinking is centered around the upcoming hunting seasons, but fall is also an excellent time to target bass. More specifically, the fall season is great for targeting bass on the surface — both smallmouths and largemouths. I’m

  • Muncy Area Girl Competed in International Equestrian Endurance Competition In the Netherlands0

    Sixteen-year-old Charlene “Charly” Dugan has loved and been involved with horses ever since she was a small child; she comes by her interest naturally since her parents own and operate J&S Farms, a horse farm in the Muncy area, as well as one in the Ocala, Florida area. Never in her wildest dreams could Charly

  • MLB Draft League Re-visited0

    With the Major League Baseball regular season coming to a close this week, it afforded an opportunity to sit down with Gabe Sinicropi, the director of marketing & public relations for the Williamsport Crosscutters, to discuss his assessment of the team’s initial season in the MLB Draft League. WW: From your perspective, what is your

  • Rowing the Boat

    Rowing the Boat0

    We have several local products that are doing their thing. I have a great relationship with many of these athletes, but I simply wanted to show one some major love. Lycoming County produces some great footballers, and this kid was off the charts. He is now playing at a very high level, and I enjoy

  • Annual Frostbite Events Are Back in Person to Raise Funds for Lycoming County Special Olympics0

    Special Olympics needs your help now, more than ever. As you are aware, COVID-19 has caused havoc for all of us in 2020/2021. Because of its presence and in following requested CDC and Special Olympics guidelines, Lycoming County Special Olympics has had to cancel many of their scheduled fundraising events for 2020/2021. The monies raised

  • Pennsylvania’s Archery Deer Season Awaits Pennsylvania Game Commission0

    If something can be routine and record-breaking at the same time, Pennsylvania’s archery deer season is it. It’s routine in its consistency. Pennsylvania held its first statewide archery season in 1951; this year’s hunt is the 71st in a row since. It stretches across seven weeks, includes a Sunday and gives hunters the chance to

  • Hassenpfeffer for Rabbit Season

    Hassenpfeffer for Rabbit Season0

    Rabbit Season is just around the corner (Opening Oct. 2nd for Juniors/Oct. 16th for Adults). There is nothing quite like the sound of beagles barking on the scent of a rabbit. With it comes new opportunities to prepare and cook game in new ways. You may have heard the word Hassenpfeffer before while watching Yosemite