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  • Pennsylvania Whitetails0

    I’ll have to admit that when it comes to trying to figure out how or what the whitetail deer population is in the state of Pennsylvania, it can be really interesting depending on who you are talking to or what you are basing your estimates on. For example, if you are counting road kills, you

  • My DAWGS0

    Hats off to my friends from Jersey Shore. It was another amazing and unforgettable run. I know it hurts being nipped in the semis, but the Bulldogs should keep their heads high. They were a joy to cover this entire season. I enjoyed getting to watch and know some of their coaches and players. I

  • Inside the Dog House0

    It is a team sport playoff fact of life — unless a team wins its final game, its season concludes with a loss. Such was the ultimate fate of the 2021 Jersey Shore Bulldogs; however, the reality of its 41-16 defeat at the hands of state powerhouse Aliquippa was more about the championship caliber of

  • Are You $erious?0

    As I sleepily headed to the kitchen for some breakfast, Jean’s voice from an adjacent room asked, “Do we have any batteries for the TV remote? I think you wore them out yesterday.” Guilty as charged. On that ‘Small Business Saturday,’ we had patronized a few local shops before heading home just in time to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prime Time for Coyotes0

    While the late archery deer season and flintlock deer season are still ahead for the hearty hunters who have not yet filled their tags and will brave the winter chill, for most of us, the deer season is over. Fear not, as there is still an exciting opportunity to spend time afield over the winter

  • A Look at Pennsylvania’s Squirrels0

    I’m sure that over the last couple of months, most of the talk amongst we outdoor types has centered around deer, turkeys, and bears, and thanks to today’s cell phone cameras, we have seen plenty of photos of successful hunters posing with their trophies. What you don’t see in those cell phone photos is someone

  • The Ivory Tower0

    History recounts the infamous quote attributed to Marie Antoinette during the days of the French Revolution. When she asked her aides why the citizens were rioting in the streets, she was told it was because they had no bread to eat; to which she replied, “let them eat cake.” Indeed, an ill-offered statement she would

  • Mountie Quest – Motivating Students to Achieve Their Dreams0

    Coaching youth and high school athletic teams over the years has taught me many lessons, but perhaps the most important is to never doubt the aspirations of the players under your tutelage. Years ago, while coaching a ninth-grade basketball team, I asked the squad members to write down their goals of what they would like

  • Enjoy the Outdoors Even After the Hunting Seasons End0

    Like a lot of folks, my love of the outdoors began when I was a young man just getting into hunting and fishing. Needless to say, over the years, I became very involved in outdoor activities and little did I know that I would one day look back and realize that I basically made my

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Plan for Winter Feeding0

    Last winter certainly was a “doozy!” While we previously had a string of relatively mild winters, we can easily recall getting slammed last season with up to 30 plus inches of snow that crippled travel and many outdoor activities for days. Some predictions indicate that we may be in for another harder than usual winter.

  • Creating Corlew’s Castle0

    Undoubtedly, the 1999 movie “The Long Road Home” was not on the minds of the Corlew family as the Rick Quigley-led motorcade made its half-hour trek from Williamsport’s downtown Genetti Hotel to the peaceful surroundings of their Rauchtown home. Still, for the 2021 winners of the Chrisman’s Morning Show’s annual Extreme Kitchen Makeover promotion, there

  • Happy Thanksgiving0

    Where to begin? I am officially back on the sidelines — coaching hoops here at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. I continue to enjoy hanging out with the boys. Sure, the wins are nice, but I only do this to stay involved. The entire landscape has changed, folks. It is a rather tough and thankless