
Latest Issue

  • The Roving Sportsman… Gun Law Seminar0

    I recently attended a “Gun Law Seminar” held at the Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Co. that was scheduled to run from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The meeting was organized and presented by our two area Pennsylvania State Representatives, Jeff Wheeland of the 83rd Legislative District and Joe Hamm of the 84th Legislative District. Jeff

  • Sidelined0

    I would like to say a big thanks. The feedback on last week’s write-up “Drive Thru Pat” was off the charts. I received all kinds of love, from far and close. Pat Koch was a special person, and she impacted all walks of life. I am also very humbled by those who said congrats. I

  • Divorcing After 75 Years0

    “Say it ain’t so, Joe,” proclaimed a newspaper headline referencing baseball player Shoeless Joe Jackson’s admission that he had helped fix the 1919 World Series between his Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati. One hundred three years later, I had a similar reaction when learning of the news that the Newberry Little League had severed its

  • The “Reds and Grays” of Winter0

    Where did that title come from; the grays of winter are obvious, but where did the red come from? What I am actually referring to are red and gray foxes, and they are both very active throughout the winter. There is no shortage of foxes in this state, but the fact is few people ever

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Food Plots, Fields & Shrubs0

    This is the final installment in a series regarding habitat improvement. We have covered developing a plan, eliminating undesirable plants, and what trees we should consider planting for various wildlife species. Now, let’s look at a few final steps — creating food plots, bringing back fallow fields, and some shrubs, bushes, and vines we could

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement – Trees0

    EXISTING TREES: We have recently discussed doing a survey that identifies the trees currently on your property that provide feed for wildlife, such as oaks, beech, black cherry, walnut, butternut, hickory, and old apple trees. Also, note the existence and location of evergreens that provide cover for wildlife. Use this data to help plan where

  • What’s Happening?0

    For the hunting and fishing enthusiasts, we’ve hit that brief period of the year where most of our hunting is about over; it’s too cold to wade a local stream with the fly rod, and it’s just now getting cold enough to make ice for the hard-water gang. Yes, we can still hunt deer with

  • Role Models0

    “I am not a role model.” Spoken 29 years ago by then NBA basketball star and now a TV hoops commentator, Charles Barkley, that famous quote has long been remembered and often referenced. Those six words were the opening line of a 1993 Nike TV commercial during which Barkley went on to say, “I’m not

  • Drive-Thru Pat

    Drive-Thru Pat0

    Brr, kids. It is quite cold. Bundle up and stay warm. They say a major snowstorm is on its way. Great. While COVID continues to dominate the headlines. Several games and practices have been impacted. Schools are starting to go back online. Frustrating. Yes. But hang in there. We will prevail. Get a booster, wear

  • Fishing Opportunities0

    Happy New Year, kids. Trust all is well. Yes. I have been extremely busy of late. The basketball season is in full throttle. While the SJNRA Golden Knights are usually the topic of discussion. A few have asked if I am still fishing. Absolutely. I am not going to lie. I would rather talk about

  • Baseball Giveth0

    There is a very good explanation for those shattering sounds that have been heard of late throughout the valley. Perhaps not as high numbers as the daily COVID count we’ve been besieged with, but never-the-less many of those well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions that had been made two weeks ago have already been smashed or tossed

  • The Roving Sportsman… Habitat Improvement: Eliminate the Invasives0

    Your Habitat Management Plan should include an inventory of current desirable and undesirable trees, shrubs, and vines on your property. Additionally, include a listing of those new trees, shrubs, and vines you would like to add – including how and where you want to plant them. As an early step in your action plan, you