
Latest Issue

  • The Handshake0

    Traced back to the ancient days of the Roman Empire, warnings have existed to “beware the ides of March,” a saying forecasting troubled times ahead. Sports is but a mere sideshow to the more important segments of human existence we face these days, but if the post-game skirmish played out on television following the recent

  • A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits

    A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits0

    When I started to hunt rabbits as a high-school kid, I remember that I would take my old single barrel H&R sixteen gauge and head out to a friend’s farm. We didn’t own a dog, so I just worked my way through field edges and along brushy tree lines kicking brush and watching for running

  • “Valuable Ammunition”0

    Whether you are a hunter or a target shooter, or both, you are keenly aware of just how valuable ammunition is these days. Not only is it usually as scarce as hen’s teeth, but when you find it, it is as expensive as all get out. But, I am not actually referring to ammo for

  • Coran Calvert’s MotoTrial Adventures0

    The world of MotoTrials is demanding, thrilling, and at times dangerous, but this doesn’t deter or scare one area youngster, 14-year-old Coran Calvert, from competing and excelling in them. According to the MotoTrials website, “MotoTrials (formerly ‘Observed Trials’) is now the pinnacle of off-road riding, as the riders tackle the most severe terrain capable of

  • Animal Oddities0

    As a wildlife artist and an avid outdoorsman, I am obviously very intrigued by wildlife, especially when something new or unusual shows up. I recently read in an outdoor publication about a woman who had taken an unusual buck with a crossbow. The deer had an 18-point rack, but when her husband started to field-dress

  • Movie Time0

    My good friend Nick Tagliaferri and I were somewhat celebrities back in the day. OK. It was a long time ago. In a galaxy far, far away. We simply took advantage of our impressive coaching resumes. SPENCE TAG RADIO was well before its time, and this weekly part-time gig had listeners from all over the

  • Landmark Lands Lycoming0

    “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard” has long been the traditional cry of scorecard vendors inside the entrance of baseball stadiums. In recent years that same rationale could be applied to college football fans in understanding the membership of various conferences around the country. Last year’s announced move by Texas and Oklahoma to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Shed Antlers0

    As the month of February is drawing to an end, the time is right to be taking to the woods in search of shed antlers. There have been many reports of finding sheds and seeing bucks that have shed their antlers. If you have never looked for them before, you may well be in for

  • Be Nice to Refs0

    Officiating high school basketball is hard. It is a very difficult and thankless job. I give my friends in stripes a lot of credit. You see, there is a major shortage with the local PIAA circuit. I see many of the same faces each night. The poor guys are overwhelmed. Kudos, boys and girls. Thanks.

  • Losing Weight by Lifting It

    Losing Weight by Lifting It0

    Thumbing thru magazines, we’ve all seen those weight loss ads featuring before and after pictures. Most of us do little about it. But for Williamsport’s Rachel Black in 2013, she took it upon herself to shed the excess weight by lifting weights instead. “Ever since I was younger, weight had been a problem for me,

  • A Statement From the Lincoln Youth League Board of Directors0

    Trust us when we tell you that the decision made by the former Newberry Little League Board of Directors to give up our charter was not an easy one. 76 years. One of the oldest charters in the world. The history, the teams, the past, present, and future players… they all factored into our decision.

  • Complainers0

    Perhaps it is the chaos caused by COVID. Perhaps it is the growing discontent and political divide existing in our country. Perhaps it is the mounting societal changes that seek to throw time-honored traditions to the curb as if they were rotting garbage. Most likely, the malaise is a combination of all three, but it