
Latest Issue

  • Two-Time MLB All-Star and 1998 LLBWS Graduate Todd Frazier to be Enshrined into Little League® Hall of Excellence0

    In celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Little League Baseball® World Series this August, Little League® International is excited to welcome one of its most notable graduates, Todd Frazier, into the Little League Hall of Excellence. “More than 20 years since he helped lead the Toms River East Little League team to the 1998

  • Little League Fast Facts0

    As the Little League World Series returns to Williamsport, let’s take a look at some ‘Fact Facts’ about Little League and the Little League World Series, courtesy of Little League Baseball. Little League® was founded in 1939 by Carl E. Stotz in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Little League is currently headquartered in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on the

  • Jenny Dalton-Hill to Become Seventh Woman Enshrined into the Little League® Hall of Excellence0

    Little League® International is pleased to announce that Jenny Dalton-Hill will be enshrined into the Little League Hall of Excellence this August, becoming only the seventh woman to earn the highest honor that Little League can bestow. “Since her time on the Little League fields, to her incredible career as a baseball and softball player

  • Little League® Teams Up with Barilla® for the 2022 Little League Baseball® World Series0

    Little League® Baseball and Softball is pleased to announce a new partnership with Barilla, the world’s leading pasta producer, ahead of the 2022 Little League Baseball® World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The partnership, inclusive of product sampling as well as on-site experiences using the Little League World Series mobile app, combines a family-friendly event with

  • So You Want to Get Into Fishing0

    Over the past couple of years, it seems like more people have hit me with the question, ” I want to get into fishing, so what equipment should I buy?” Well, it would take me a year of columns to answer that question, and I’m not sure that would still be enough. What I can

  • Backyard Bassin’0

    Wow. You look great. Have you lost weight? No. Diet Pepsi. No booze. Just a lot of wading. But jeez, you are so tan. Did you go to the beach? You must be playing some golf? No. No trips. Very little golf. Only fishing. Thanks for being so nice. Several years back, I came up

  • A Tale of Two Seasons0

    It’s become somewhat of a common practice in many sports leagues around the country; a season divided into two halves. It’s usually done to create and maintain fan interest, sort of a mid-course correction giving teams in a league new life and enthusiasm. So, if you’ve been involved in a sport for more than 35

  • The Roving Sportsman… Plan to Mentor This Fall0

    Have you ever had the opportunity to mentor a youth that has never before had the chance to shoot or hunt? If you have, you know the great experience that you will both have. If you have not, you could be in for a wonderful time that you will both reflect on for years to

  • Cutters Raise Funds for Aly’s Monkey Movement0

    The Williamsport Crosscutters recently held a jersey auction to benefit Aly’s Monkey Movement. The charity, whose mission is to “Change the world, one monkey at a time”, was started in 2019 by then 10-year-old Aly Creasy. The charity provides stuffed animal monkeys to children locally and all over the world who may be experiencing a

  • Coming Home0

    Paying no mind to the contents of author Thomas Wolfe’s 1940 novel You Can’t Go Home Again, newly appointed St. John Neumann basketball coach Louis Roskowski has done just that and is brimming with enthusiasm and anticipation as he takes over the reins of the Golden Knights boys’ program. Roskowski grew up in Williamsport, playing

  • In Their Own Words0

    I swung by practice this past week to say hello to some of my young friends. I reached out for permission as I needed a few quotes for a follow-up on the boys from the West End. These guys are rockstars, and they continue to work hard. Front cover of the Webb Weekly? I hope

  • Prepare (Your Freezer) for the Upcoming Hunting Season0

    Well, are you ready for the upcoming hunting seasons? They will be here before you know it. By now, you probably have your hunting license and perhaps have even looked over your hunting equipment to see just what you need to upgrade or replace for this fall. For some of you, vacations have been scheduled,