
Latest Issue

  • Our Major Renovation0

    This week’s column has little to do with sports. We didn’t have a golf match, and I didn’t make the cut. Since I have been scribing part-time for the past sixteen seasons — my lovely editor allows me to freelance. My family and I are now tackling a major construction project. And since I have

  • A Place to Hunt0

    Just recently, Webb Weekly’s editor, Steph Nordstrom, hit me with the question, “Where does one hunt if they don’t have access to someone’s private property?” That’s actually a very interesting and pertinent question that’s probably worth exploring a bit. Having a place to hunt may be one of the main reasons why getting people into

  • Some Interesting Statistics0

    The Council to Advance Hunting and Shooting Sports recently released their 2022 Special Report on Hunting and the Shooting Sports, revealing some rather interesting statistics. It showed that hunting and target shooting participation diversity has increased in the U.S. over the past decade. The report provides a comprehensive look at the more than 30 million

  • Rip & Pip

    Rip & Pip0

    When repeatedly successfully completed, the out-of-the-ordinary becomes commonplace. Such has been the case this season for South Williamsport’s special teams when converting extra point attempts after Mountaineer touchdowns. So effective have South’s kickers become that no second thought is given that the ladies responsible — Aleigha Rieppel and Piper Minier — spend most of their

  • Lycoming Golf

    Lycoming Golf0

    I am thankfully back at Lycoming as the Warrior’s Head Golf Coach. This will be my second stint after taking a short five-year sabbatical. I was with the team from 2001 to 2015. I got out of the business and stepped away to focus on other part-time ventures. No worries. So, I got the call

  • Common Sense Tree Stand Safety0

    The statewide archery antlered and antlerless deer season opens this Saturday, October 1. As the season progresses and nears that “magical” time of the rut, bowhunters will spend an increasing amount of time in the woods. While hunting from the ground or in a ground blind can be successful, most would agree that a tree

  • Plenty of Opportunities for Small Game Hunting0

    I know right now, a lot of us, myself included, are thinking about where and how we will set up for our archery buck, and when that season is over, it’s time for the various gun seasons that we have available for tagging a deer. It’s easy to get caught up in all the big

  • Upcoming Deer Seasons and CWD0

    The statewide archery season is about to kick off on Oct. 1, followed by antlerless-only muzzleloader season starting on the 15th of Oct. Not far behind all of that are the regular firearms season, flintlock, and the extended firearms season. Serious deer hunters no doubt have already been preparing for the upcoming seasons, but something

  • The Roving Sportsman… Our Wonders of Autumn0

    The old timers already know it. The younger folks and newly-arrived residents of Lycoming County and the surrounding counties will eventually figure it out as well. Our area nestled here in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains of Northcentral Pennsylvania is unique, and the natural wonders that abound here can often be best enjoyed in

  • A Quick Ode to Davion0

    Hats off to Coach Justin Van Fleet and the Loyalsock Lancers. They are off to a great start on the gridiron. The boys knocked off mighty Southern Columbia 27-10 last week. That’s a big-time win as those Tigers don’t often lose, especially at home. It was a total team effort, but one guy led the

  • Touchdowns & Home Runs0

    Most are fully aware, but just for the record, the annual arrival of fall officially occurs this Thursday at 9:04 p.m. While that will not be surprising, the sudden realization that this weekend also marks the halfway point of the 2022 high school football season may catch some fans a bit off guard. As we

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fall Is Finally Here!0

    The sweltering heat and humidity of July and August are finally behind us. The long dry spell, sparingly interrupted by a summer thunderstorm, is finally over. The last several days of much cooler temperatures and less humidity are a welcome sign that fall is upon us. Thursday, September 22, 2024, to be exact, is the