
Latest Issue

  • The FAMILY Game

    The FAMILY Game0

    I was recently asked to tee it up in a few tournaments. I used to love golf, but now it’s totally different. Yes. I am back to coaching at my alma mater. I am enjoying my interactions with the Lycoming College Warriors. But I don’t play much. It’s cool. I don’t miss it. I seriously

  • Many Bear Hunting Opportunities in Pennsylvania0

    Spotting a bear in Pennsylvania is certainly not all that unusual, especially in our part of the state. For some of us who live outside of town, seeing a bear or two in the course of a year is no surprise, and in fact, some folks who live in town have reported bear sightings in

  • A New Challenge Awaits0

    Describing himself as “a basketball junkie,” newly named South Williamsport girls’ basketball coach Dean Kriebel’s upcoming on-court challenge isn’t nearly as daunting as the ten-month cancer foe he successfully defeated during the past year. “Two years ago, I had the opportunity to get back in the game coaching the boys’ seventh-grade team, and I really

  • Nymphing in the Fall

    Nymphing in the Fall0

    I love this time of year as North Central PA is on fire. Change is in the air. Everything is shining. Autumn brings us so many vibrant colors. The Visitors Bureau needs to give me a buzz. Our new addition has got me stressed. I wish there were more hours in the day. Sadly, there

  • Whom Did You Schedule?0

    Historical records do not indicate the amount of pre-match interest or community chatter that may have existed in the days leading up to the Biblical confrontation between David & Goliath, but Friday night’s match-up between Class A Canton and AAAA powerhouse Jersey Shore has been the talk of the town among area football fans in

  • The Hunt for Fall Panfish0

    I know it’s fall, and that means hunting seasons are in full swing, but a lot of us diehard fishermen aren’t quite ready to give up our fishing endeavors just yet. There’s a good reason we’re not ready to hang up our fishing rods since there are still some great fishing opportunities available through the

  • The Roving Sportsman… What to do with Venison0

    Archery hunters have already been taking deer in these early weeks of the season, and soon rifle hunters will join the ranks of those who look forward each year to hunting whitetails and having great-tasting venison for nutritious meals. The recent stretch of cool weather has helped ensure that there is much less chance of

  • Heads Up0

    It was a normal football Friday night as I took my spot in the press box for another game of statistical coverage. What wasn’t normal was the operator of the game film camera standing next to me. The young man behind the camera was a member of the school’s football team. Inquiring as to why

  • Branson


    I am very thankful for all of my part-time gigs. It gives me the opportunity to come in contact with so many great kids. Whether it’s coaching, broadcasting, or writing a note — I have made several new friends. This week’s column features a young man I have known for quite some time. I went

  • The Roving Sportsman… Do All the Right Things0

    We are rapidly approaching the second week of the initial Pennsylvania statewide archery season, which runs until November 18 this year. Additional archery, muzzleloader, special firearms, regular firearms, flintlock, and extended firearms seasons throughout the state give hunters ample opportunities to “bring home the venison” this year. Along the way, there are several important steps

  • Stand Hunting Versus Still Hunting0

    With the archery season well underway, it’s a pretty safe bet there are a good number of treestands that are occupied by archery enthusiasts, and for good reason — it’s a proven approach for taking a deer, especially with a bow. Archery hunting from the more permanent type of ladder stands or climbing treestands offer

  • A Place to Hunt0

    Just recently, Webb Weekly’s editor, Steph Nordstrom, hit me with the question, “Where does one hunt if they don’t have access to someone’s private property?” That’s actually a very interesting and pertinent question that’s probably worth exploring a bit. Having a place to hunt may be one of the main reasons why getting people into