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  • The Roving Sportsman… Calling All Coyotes0

    Over the years, I have had the privilege of hunting in every one of our 50 states and, in doing so, have discovered something that all of the lower 48 continuous states have in common. Coyotes. Yes, during the spring gobbler hunting seasons, I have seen, heard, or have seen the tracks or scat of

  • Dollar$ and No $ense0

    The Christmas presents have all been unwrapped, some of them exchanged, the year’s allotment of vacation days is about to disappear, and plans for New Year’s Eve have been resolved. Some New Year’s resolutions will be made, with many being broken before month’s end, and the arrival of W-2s and income tax preparation is a

  • 2022 is Over0

    I try to leave on a positive note. And 2022 was a fun one, kids. There were so many great stories from this past year. I am glad that I got to share some. I am truly blessed and humbled. The praise and feedback from this part-time gig are off the charts. It is sometimes

  • Are Grouse Going the Way of the Pheasant?

    Are Grouse Going the Way of the Pheasant?0

    Like a lot of other hunters, my hunting season is winding down fast; I may get out for a little flintlock hunting and a little rabbit hunting, but my time in the woods will be pretty limited. I managed to get out at least a half dozen times during this past deer season, but something

  • The Roving Sportsman… 2023…A New Beginning?0

    I think that most folks will agree that the last couple of years have been overridden with negative. From the inception and lingering effects of COVID-19 to the deepening divide when it comes to trying to have a civil discussion regarding politics, and from the wide open southern border, which allows drugs and some rather

  • The Roving Sportsman… Reading the Tracks0

    It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you are willing to devote the time, you can gain a great deal of knowledge by learning to read what animal tracks can reveal. Whether your goal is to become a better hunter, to develop a better understanding of Mother Nature’s wonders, or to discover just what animals frequent

  • Navigation and Wilderness Travel0

    Like many people our age, my wife and I have started to go through file cabinets and boxes of “stuff” stored on shelves in the basement. As I was going through some of the “stuff,” I came across a small notebook, and when I opened it and started to read, I quickly realized it was

  • Notes from the Hardwood

    Notes from the Hardwood0

    I feel bad for our district leaders. Making a decision today is tough. I truly believe that they are in it for the right reasons. But it’s hard to make the best choice. Our administrators get paid well. And they have to put up with a lot. Please remember they have a difficult job. They

  • Sports Gifts of Christmas0

    The Christmas season has a different feel From the worldly troubles and all that is real People greet each other and spread good cheer Wouldn’t it be nice if that happened all year? Sports are an escape we all can enjoy As much as the little ones with a new Santa toy We gather and

  • ELF on the Shelf0

    Tis the season, folks, and instead of sharing a story on sports, I’ve decided to chime in on something that is much more important. Yes. It’s time to talk about The Elf on the Shelf. For those of you without young children, this article might help explain that creepy little butthead that has been flooding

  • Finding Common Ground0

    A yellowed newspaper clipping held in place by a magnet greets me each time I open the refrigerator door. I don’t take the time to read it each time, but its presence serves as a reminder of something that should never be taken for granted or forgotten. Its contents read: “A Marine was taking college

  • A Red Flash in the Bright Snowy Landscape0

    I know Christmas is close at hand, but this is not a story about Santa and his reindeer swooping down on a snowy landscape to deliver presents. The red flash I’m talking about here is that of a male cardinal, and fortunately, their sightings are fairly common even into the winter months here in Pennsylvania.