
Latest Issue

  • Tale of Two Cities0

    The question has long been pondered — “If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s nobody around to hear, does it make a sound?” Around these parts, that’s most likely the same reaction rendered to the recent news that the City of Oakland and the Oakland Athletics have begun divorce proceedings. After years of

  • Sipping Stockies

    Sipping Stockies0

    When you spend as much time on the water as I do, you always catch a few. And while some days are certainly better than others. You occasionally have those fantastic experiences. These little episodes are extremely rare. I can count them with my fingers. This past Thursday, I was on Lycoming. I parked my

  • The Roving Sportsman… Paying Tribute to the King of Gamebirds0

    As you head to the woods in pursuit of a spring gobbler, there are a few things you should give some thought to. The majority of those who get up every morning well before daylight, trudge deep into the woods ahead of the sunrise, and sometimes spend countless hours in pursuit of this magnificent bird

  • Mentored Spring Turkey Hunt: First and Last0

    Initially, the mentored hunting program was open only to youth under 12 years of age. Still, the program has expanded in recent years to offer opportunities to unlicensed hunters of all ages. Mentored hunters are not required to take a Hunter-Trapper Education class before obtaining a permit to hunt through the program. The purpose of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Spring Gobbler Opening Day is Upon Us!0

    There are just a couple more nights of restless sleep to endure, then, almost magically, at 5:38 a.m. on Saturday, April 29, legal shooting hours begin on what is the first day of this year’s spring gobbler season. With little time remaining before that long-awaited moment, there are a couple of steps yet to take

  • “Tame” Grouse0

    I’m sure most people are familiar with the ruffed grouse, especially since it’s been our state bird since 1931. These days, spotting grouse seems less likely since grouse numbers have declined due to loss of habitat and a disease known as West Nile Virus. Those of us who have hunted grouse over the years are

  • Softball is Shining0

    As the high school softball game wouldn’t be starting for another hour, very few fans had gathered at the field. As the teams were beginning their pre-game routine, a woman greeted me with a warm smile while stating, “Isn’t this wonderful!” Thinking she was referring to the beautiful day that had unfolded, I returned the

  • You Guys Aren’t Done Yet?0

    I mentioned before that my father and I are building an addition. I am still doing my best to chronicle the entire experience. This might be episode seven. Oh my, folks. There is never a dull moment. My weekly updates online continue to turn heads. Our lack of progress and foolish mistakes are still trending

  • Water Hazards

    Water Hazards0

    I am thankful to be at Lycoming. This is my second stint as the Warrior’s Golf Coach. I took a five-year hiatus after my mid-life crisis. I was with the team from 2001 to 2015. I stepped away to focus on other side hustles. They were extremely fun while they lasted. I got the call

  • Humble Pie0

    This past Easter Sunday provided the Lowery clan with a most enjoyable get-together, the first such group opportunity since Christmas. The downstate trip included great conversation and catch-up, a tasty spread, and some backyard cornhole competition. Sprinkled in was a vast array of tempting cakes, pies, and sweet treat desserts. Not on the menu was

  • Pennsylvania’s Trout0

    Trout season is now well underway in our state, and a good number of anglers are pursuing a variety of trout species in lakes and streams. When it comes to trout fishing in Pennsylvania, the most commonly caught trout will be rainbows, browns, and brookies, and for good reason — they are the ones most

  • The Roving Sportsman… Check Your Vest0

    With just over a week remaining until the opening day of Spring Gobbler season, take a few minutes now to check all the gear you carry in your turkey hunting vest. When it comes to hunting, there is probably no segment of hunters that is more eager to have the “latest gadgets and gear” than