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  • My Gridiron Boys

    My Gridiron Boys0

    One of the joys of scribing is getting to know so many great kids involved with sports. We would get to know one another in high school, and then we would stay in touch. Sometimes, I will do a college or professional follow-up. Yes. It is always fun. There is an impressive list. This keeps

  • The Roving Sportsman… Plan Now for Springtime Planting0

    In less than two weeks, the official start of winter — December 21 to be exact — will be upon us. As winter weather settles in and spending time by the fireplace becomes a much more enjoyable pastime, you might want to take time to focus your attention on some springtime activities in order to

  • Bear Talk0

    Living in this part of Pennsylvania, it’s certainly not unusual for the topic of black bears to come up in a conversation, and that’s especially true during the bear hunting seasons. More and more people, including many who don’t hunt, are reporting sightings of bears than ever before. There’s a good reason for these increased

  • Coaching for Dollars0

    With the utmost respect for Thomas Jefferson and his fellow Declaration of Independence signees, as the month-long college bowl season is about to commence — we hold these truths to be self-evident: Ohio State can’t beat Michigan, Penn State can’t beat either one, and some college boosters and administrations are shelling out millions of dollars

  • The Amish Buck0

    Happy belated Thanksgiving to my family and friends. I hope everything was spectacular. Ours was grand. My rents made it back to California. We had a blast. Jim and I framed and blocked the new garage. It is my understanding that I will have to finish everything by March. I apologize for skipping out last

  • Rare “White Sighting”0

    I ran into a friend of mine last week, and when he walked up to me, he was reaching for his cell phone. Being the first week of deer season, I was expecting to see some photos of the big buck he got, but to my surprise, that’s not what he wanted me to see.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Thoughts About Winter Feeding0

    So, which do you believe — The Farmer’s Almanac, the Weather Channel, or some good old-fashioned indications from nature — to predict what this coming winter weather will be? Snow is beginning to accumulate from the Great Lakes effect, and snow showers have been intermittently falling lately. Some predictions indicate that we may be in

  • Bald Eagles0

    As a hunter, fisherman, and outdoor enthusiast, I enjoy seeing all kinds of wildlife — and that includes the various bird species. As a wildlife artist, I have an even greater interest because I enjoy painting birds of all kinds, including songbirds. While this interest doesn’t make me a serious bird watcher like some people

  • Giving Thanks and Just Plain Giving0

    While the actual Thanksgiving Day has just passed, that single day to many signals not just a day but a season of being thankful, sharing time with family and friends and celebrating all of the good things in our lives. Thanksgiving Day marks the beginning of the holiday season that runs through to Christmas and

  • A Golden Surprise0

    Even the more casual viewers of sports, especially at the college and professional levels, have noticed the increasing amount of ‘bling’ hanging around the necks of players. Following South Williamsport’s football team’s win over Muncy for the District IV Class A championship, the Mountaineers trainer, Chelsey Rieppel, was kidded about the added hardware she is

  • Sports Turkey Talking0

    Thanksgiving is the time of year when families gather far and near It’s been a tradition since 1620 that includes a feast of plenty, There’re many hugs for those we hold dear and football teams for which to cheer, Pause and reflect those memories great, enjoy the day, and celebrate! If your family’s Thanksgiving is

  • The Addition. 96.75% Done.0

    I have mentioned before that my father and I are building an addition. It has been several months since my last update. No. I am not slacking. We are still making progress. 96.75% done. I am still doing my best to chronicle the entire experience. Oh my, folks. There is never a dull moment. My