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  • HHS Fly-Fishing

    HHS Fly-Fishing0

    Happy New Year to my family and friends. I would also like to give a shout to those who frequent this page. I look forward to many more tales. This part-time gig is grand, and we will cover many different topics in 2024. Let’s kick things off with one of my favorites. Dave Weigle of

  • Dollars & Sense0

    Welcome to 2024! Ready or not, it is here. Hopefully, this past holiday week’s festivities went well, and Santa treated you kindly. Perhaps not if you are an MLB baseball fan of teams other than the Dodgers. Possibly, it can be put thusly: it’s the week after Christmas, and all through the town, if you

  • Getting Into Fly-Tying0

    We are moving into that time of year when we outdoor types start spending less time outdoors pursuing game and fish and more time indoors. We still have some small game hunting and muzzleloading hunting left, and hopefully, if we get enough ice, we diehard fishermen can start hitting some local lakes as well. These

  • The Roving Sportsman… A New Year – A Fresh Start0

    Party, party, party — it’s what most folks do on New Year’s Eve to say goodbye to the previous year. Hopefully, our heads have cleared up by now from the revelries of New Year’s Eve, and we can take time to focus on what lies ahead in the coming year. So, steep a pot of



    Marilouise Mazzante and I have been friends for a long time. We first met my sophomore year at Williamsport High. I was in her classroom for honors History. Maz was outstanding, passionate, and tough. I learned a great deal, and she is easily in my top five. She was a fantastic teacher. A terrific motivator

  • The Roving Sportsman… How Long Can You Keep Deer Meat?0

    Going to deer camp is an interesting experience, filled with camaraderie, hardy meals, and never a lack of conversation. Debates run the gambit, from “What is the best caliber for hunting whitetail deer?” to “Should you butcher a deer as quickly as possible or age it for a few days or even weeks?” Often, the

  • Northern Harrier0

    I’m sure it comes as no surprise that my work as a wildlife artist often has me gawking at all kinds of wildlife every time I head out the door. Of course, almost everybody enjoys seeing different kinds of wildlife, and It’s not unusual if someone spots a bear, fisher, bobcat, or bald eagle that

  • Fishing Boots for Christmas0

    Exchange week. Party week. Travel week. Rest-up week. Whatever these December days between Christmas and New Year’s may be called where you reside, you can be assured of one thing when it comes to the media; its broadcasts and pages will be filled with a lot of ‘year-in-review’ lookbacks. With so much increased violence, corruption,

  • Road Trips0

    The high school basketball season is in full swing. Yes. I have already seen some of you in the local gyms. I appreciate all the kind words, folks. I sincerely do. I ENJOY THOSE ARTICLES will always get you a fist bump or a hug. Kids under the age of 10 will score a $5

  • Giving0

    Often, around this time of the year, editor Steph has sent out notices to Webb Weekly writers reminding us to get our pre-Christmas columns in early to beat the holiday deadline. Such was not the case this year, as the calendar gives us a bit more time until the big day arrives. For procrastinators, the

  • Changes in Fishing Regulations0

    As the hunting seasons begin to wind down, some of us begin looking towards the upcoming fishing seasons. I know trout season is still a long way off, but we ice fishermen are hoping to get out on a lake in the not-too-distant future. With the fishing season not far off, it’s also time to

  • The Roving Sportsman… Stocking Stuffers!0

    With only a few more shopping days before Christmas morning arrives, hopefully, you have taken care of all of the major items on your gift list and can now turn your attention to the last-minute items and the ever-popular “stocking stuffers.” I reflect back fondly, to the early days when the three stockings, hand-knit by