
Latest Issue

  • A Friend in Fruend0

    During this winter’s coldest stretch, last week’s annual Williamsport Crosscutter Hot Stove Banquet served up before a sell-out crowd was a reminder that baseball’s spring training opens next month, and the locals MLB Draft League campaign is not that far behind. The brainchild of Cutters VP of Marketing Gabe Sinicropi, the annual event gave attendees

  • A Rerun?0

    Every so often to lighten the late-night mood, I find myself tuning in to WNEP-2 to catch reruns of the old Johnny Carson late-night show. While Carson’s monologue and guests are not timely, they remain funny and entertaining. Unlike the current late-night lineup of Carson wannabes whose mission seems to be hurling unfunny insulting jabs

  • Invasive Species in Our Waterways0

    It seems like the subject of invasive species, be they land-based species, aquatic plants, or animals, comes up more frequently these days. As a fisherman, I have noticed several new threats to our waterways, including invasive crayfish, zebra mussels, and the northern snakehead. Other species of fish, like the silver and bighead carp, while not

  • The Roving Sportsman… Have You Ever Seen a Black Coyote?0

    I have, and while it occurred more than 25 years ago, I can still visualize the sighting as if it were yesterday. Fresh snow had fallen the night before, and I was hiking a logging road in the deep woods of Lycoming County. The newly fallen snow was ideal for picking out and following any

  • Maze & Blue to a Peacock Hue0

    It wasn’t sweet music to the ears of many of the 72,220 fans filling Houston’s NRG Stadium for college football’s national championship game, but it was a tune frequently played to the delight of all those wearing maze & blue. “Hail to the victors valiant. Hail to the conqu’ring heroes. Hail, hail to Michigan, the

  • Resolutions.


    I gave up on one of my New Year’s Resolutions. I always have great intentions. Perhaps next year I will find a gym. But until then, I am OK with not being trimmed. No worries, kids. There are many joys when it comes to parenthood, and I consider myself very fortunate to have a son.

  • The Roving Sportsman… Culling All Coyotes!0

    First, here are a few facts regarding Mr. Coyote. In just a few weeks, the breeding season begins. Females have one heat period, which lasts 4-5 days and occurs sometime during a 4-6 week period beginning in February. The gestation period runs 58-63 days, resulting in 5-7 pups being born mid-April to early May. While

  • Gathering Fly-Tying Materials0

    In an article a couple of weeks ago, I talked about getting started in the art of fly-tying and acquiring the necessary tools to get into the business. Of course, once you have the tools and you begin mastering some of the basics, it is time to gather the materials needed to construct the flies

  • The Roving Sportsman… How About a Twelve-Month-Long “Hunting Season?”0

    As the fall hunting seasons draw to a close, the word is that a good number of hunters throughout our area have fresh venison burger tucked away in the freezer and back straps available for the grill. Some even got their fall turkey, and the really lucky ones added a black bear to their recent

  • Flintlock Season is Well Underway0

    I’ll be honest, like a lot of other hunters, after using high-powered rifles with powerful telescopic sights to take a deer, switching to a black-powder flintlock didn’t fill me with a lot of confidence. Over the years, more and more hunters began to pursue deer in the late flintlock season, and I, too, eventually added

  • Teammates0

    I ran into an old friend at the Magic Dome last week — someone I haven’t seen in fifteen years. Rahim Washington was a former teammate back in ’95. I was a senior, and Rahim was a talented freshman. We were part of a Millionaire squad that went to the state final. Washington was legit.

  • This Committee Got it Right0

    No doubt many of you have served on some sort of committee over the years. Professional, social, or recreational committees are charged with a decision-making purpose for the organization they represent. They are intended to bring together a representative group to arrive at a meaningful outcome. While they are commonplace, it has often been stated