
Latest Issue

  • Gearing Up for Trout Season0

    I suspect when we think about getting ready for the upcoming trout season, our thoughts turn first to rods, reels, line, and a selection of lures or flies. Those are things that should be addressed, but I think we sometimes overlook some other basic but vital equipment, such as boots or waders. Whether you use

  • What’s the Best Approach?0

    When it comes to the opening day of trout season, a question I sometimes get, especially from someone just getting into fishing, is, what’s the best way to catch trout? There are people who have written lengthy books on that topic, but in this brief format, here are some things to consider. The truth is

  • The Importance of a Wild Turkey’s Diet0

    Whether you restrict your spring gobbler hunting to your home state of Pennsylvania or travel to other states to pursue this great game bird, knowing what they like to eat in your hunting area can be critical to your success. Wherever you choose to hunt, learn and understand the local food sources and preferences of

  • Shining Moments on the Local Hardwoods0

    As it has done for years, Hershey’s Giant Center ushered in spring’s arrival, rolling out the red carpet and hosting the annual Pennsylvania private & charter school invitational, formally known as the PIAA State High School basketball finals. Twenty-four teams, 12 boys and 12 girls squared off in the six PIAA classifications, aiming to take

  • Local Wrestlers Win Gold in Hershey0

    In adherence to the well-known saying, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ the fruit lying in the backyard of Denny and Jennifer Harer’s home can be identified as ‘golden delicious!’ The couple’s offspring, sons Conner and Brandt, were the talk of Hershey and the state’s wrestling fans when the Montgomery duo walked away

  • The Good, the Bad & Mulkey0

    The welcome mat is out! Officially, spring begins this week. To be sure, it is a welcome sight, but in the transitioning world of sports, the changing of the athletic seasons defines the passing of time a bit more succinctly than do the pages of the calendar on the wall. ‘Athletic spring’ actually began a

  • Apologies0

    Apologies for skipping out last week. I would like to thank those who reached out. Many did. I’m not kidding. Mostly my bearded friends. That is a fantastic feeling. I’m good, folks. I simply missed my deadline. My bad, Steph. You are a great chief. I appreciate you filling in. I am home from a

  • The Roving Sportsman… Springtime Foraging 20240

    Snow geese and Canada geese have been flying north, and robins are more plentiful, and the intermittent snowfalls don’t take long to melt away. Even though we experienced a relatively mild winter, it’s nice to know that spring has finally sprung! As we welcome the warmer days and the emergence of daffodils and tulips, it

  • Spring’s New Arrivals0

    Spring is here, at least I think it is, but judging from how the weather has been, we could be scraping snow off our windshields next week. No doubt the wildlife roaming Pennsylvania woodlands finds the weather patterns a bit erratic as well. Of course, most of our wildlife goes about everyday challenges regardless of

  • The Rickwood Bucket

    The Rickwood Bucket0

    ‘Bucket lists’ are an unusual commodity. Sometimes, they have holes in them; other times, they overflow with expectations. As the years have passed, my ‘bucket’ has continued to be worked on, especially regarding baseball-related items. Checked off has been witnessing Major League Baseball games at all 30 MLB stadiums and taking a road trip to

  • Pennsylvania’s Increased Wildlife Sightings0

    Over the years, as an outdoor enthusiast here in Pennsylvania, I, like many others, have seen wildlife that I never thought I would encounter in our state. The reason for these sightings is mostly attributed to the deliberate reintroduction of several species. Grant it, not all of the wildlife that has been introduced was for

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act0

    It was in 1900 that the very first federal law to protect game, The Lacey Act, was passed, and in 1929, the Migratory Bird Conservation Act was passed, furthering efforts to protect wildlife. While both of these laws were beneficial to wildlife, neither addressed the issue of funding conservation efforts. Finally, in 1937, the Pittman-Robertson