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  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien… Reflections From A Pool Of Memories: The Intruder – Part II0

    As we launched the boat, the sun slipped under a bank of clouds and lit up the pond’s surface with a million diamond-like reflections. The warm morning light washed softly over the landscape. Recollections of childhood events are often inordinate. From my gallery of memories. I recall how truly huge the body of water seemed,

  • Vandevere’s View0

    In recent weeks there has been much reported regarding the collegiate recruitment process. A lot of it has been negative — usually centering on ‘under the table’ payments or other questionable ‘perks’ to lure talented individuals to specific schools. Throughout all of these proceedings, I don’t ever recall a recruit being swayed by the presence

  • Webb Weekly Gem of the Week… Standout Moments Help Setup Teams Up for Bright 20180

    The 2017 fall season has come to a close for the local teams. For the players and coaches, highs and lows fill every season, but a few moments stood out. As Loyalsock’s football team headed to the locker room the rumblings from the fans started to sound like the end of the season. The conversations

  • The Roving Sportsman… Fishing the Outer Banks0

    For the majority of area residents, fishing means hiking the mountains for native brook trout, spending time on nearby farm ponds trying to catch bass, or sunfish or matching wits with the various species of fish in the Susquehanna River. A trip to the shore to fish for the numerous kinds of saltwater fish is

  • Firearms Deer Season Not Far Away0

    Well, it won’t be long until another firearms deer season is underway; Nov. 27 marks the starting date across the state. With the exception of WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D antlered deer only can be taken from opening day to Dec. 1 while both antlered and antlerless may be taken from Dec. 2-Dec. 9. Preparations

  • Getting Your Boat Ready For Hibernation0

    Winter will eventually arrive; a season when we will no longer be able to enjoy regional boat fishing. Now is the time to get your boat ready for storage. The approach for long-term boat storage — periods without any use — is different than storing a boat between outings. Following a rigorous winterization routine helps

  • Lycoming Goal0

    My recent “Movember” awareness effort was an epic failure. An absolute disaster, like my unsuccessful write-in campaign. I am sorry folks, but I was forced to throw in the towel after a few days of growth. My lovely bride wasn’t impressed with the shaggy scruff above my lip. She gave me an ultimatum — shave

  • The Ultimate Deer Rifle0

    The overnight pole light guided my steps as I crossed the yard, headed to the patch of woods in the hollow in the center of our property. Once leaving the area illuminated by the artificial light, I had only the stars overhead that were dancing heal to toe to aid in my travel. It would

  • Players Come Up Big in Leadership Department With 35-24 Win Over Lewisburg0

    It was the opening round of the District 4 Class AAA playoffs, and Loyalsock found itself down by 17 points at the half. Lewisburg recovered an onside kick, scored. The Dragons then stopped Loyalsock on a fourth down, scored. Their third possession ended in a punt, but they came right back on their fourth to

  • Proceed with Caution0

    The intersection of ‘achieving goals’ and ‘it was meant to be’ can be a very precarious crossroad. There are no traffic lights, yield signs, or uniformed sentries to guide you through the turmoil safely. The decisions to speed up, slow down, or turn around and plan the journey for another day are instantaneous. If you

  • Heading to Deer Camp0

    The Pennsylvania Game Commission has just released a bulletin, as they do every year about this time, cautioning all motorists to slow down and stay alert for increased numbers of deer crossing the highways. The “rut,” or fall breeding season is about to peak, and the deer are definitely on the move. Many yearling bucks

  • West Branch Hall of Fame To Honor 11 Inductees0

    Two weeks ago the West Branch Valley Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame stepped up to the plate and successfully hosted the 55th Annual Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Induction ceremonies in Williamsport. Among the 13 statewide honorees was Loyalsock Township High School basketball coach Ron Insinger, Pennsylvania’s all-time leader in boy’s high