
Latest Issue

  • The Hunt for October Walleyes0

    I must admit that I do not pursue walleyes with the same dedication that I have for trout, bass or even panfish but I do enjoy some dedicated walleye fishing on occasion. In previous years I would often travel to various locations in Canada just for the opportunity to catch walleyes and many of those

  • Two Important and Timely Items0

    Tracking Dogs: The heavy frost on the orchard grass and the full moon above made it visible enough to make our way across the meadow, even though it was two hours before sunrise. The bulls were already bugling and, as we started into the dark timber, you could hear the soft mewing of nearby cow

  • October Baseball0

    As October ushers in autumn, Major League Baseball’s marathon 162-game, six-month, 30-team quest for supremacy has seen 20 of its membership fall by the wayside leaving their fans with only the annual recourse of the defeated ‘wait till next year.’ For the other ten teams that made it to the finish line with varying degrees

  • A Look at Hunting Trends in Pennsylvania0

    There’s no question about it, when it comes to hunting in Pennsylvania the whitetail deer is king. No other hunting in our state garners as much attention as deer hunting does and I wouldn’t be surprised it’s the same for most other states. In spite of what some may say, deer are still readily available,

  • The Roving Sportsman… Assuring Tasty Venison0

    How often have you heard someone say that they just don’t like the taste of venison? Or, say that they have tried it once, but just didn’t care for it? No doubt it was not cooked properly, or worse yet, was not handled properly from the beginning. Over the years, I am pleased to say

  • Rain Soaked Fields and Games Highlight the First Month of the High School Season0

    Rain has soaked the area fields and teams, and given us a start to the fall season rarely seen in this area of the country. The entire run has been one big adjustment as schedules are shifted, weeks are overloaded, and field crews are putting in extra time to get games in on time. It’s

  • The Return0

    “Skeptics insist that golf is merely taking a natural dip after a once in a lifetime phenomenon. It’s no secret that golf’s heyday coincided with Tiger Wood’s rise and his 14 major championships. He is also to blame for those thousands of Craigslist ads for used clubs. But after the infidelity scandals and loads of

  • Enjoy the Bounties0

    I have been blessed to be able to travel the state, the country and the globe both during my working years and now in retirement. Yet, I am always amazed that when I am away from home, my mind constantly wanders back to Northcentral Pennsylvania — the area of my roots. I feel very fortunate

  • Treestand Hunting: Safety First0

    When I started hunting as a kid in the 60s treestands were practically unheard of; back then, they consisted of a couple of boards in the fork of a tree. My guess is, archery hunters probably started the portable treestand trend. Pulling back a recurve bow in the presence of a deer often resulted in

  • Good Enough0

    Schedule makers had extinguished the Friday Night lights for the greater Williamsport high school football teams on the season’s fourth weekend as Loyalsock, Montoursville, South Williamsport and Williamsport all boarded buses for road trips of various lengths. South Williamsport had the shortest journey as the Mounties took their perfect 3-0 record onto the Muncy Indians

  • Prep Pointers for the Upcoming Hunting Season0

    Hunting is a popular hobby and sport enjoyed by millions of people across North America. Over the last 10 years, data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicates that more and more females are taking up hunting. Hunting seasons vary depending on where you live. Regulations designed by local conservation, game, fish, and wildlife

  • Sacrificing Everything0

    “Whatever you do kid. Do not mix sports with politics. Call the game. Describe the action. Paint the picture with your words. If folks like you, they will continue to read or listen. People could care less about your opinions or views.” Buck Byham. Sports and politics do not mix, and yet they continue to