
Latest Issue

  • First Day Trout Tactics0

    The first day of the regular trout season is Saturday, April 13 with an 8 a.m. starting time and weather permitting I’m sure there will be a good number of anxious fishermen lining the banks of area streams. I’m sure too that there will be a wide variety of baits and lures as well as

  • The Roving Sportsman… From Oceolas and Feral Hogs to Rio Grandes and Diamondbacks!0

    It has been a rather fast-paced – and hectic at times – three weeks. It began on Thursday, March 14th as I arrived to help Jeff Budz, a turkey guide and outfitter in central Florida. He had asked me last year to join him this spring and do some guiding for several of his hunter/clients

  • Baseball and Buffalo Wings0

    Spring has officially arrived and with it, a new season of Major League Baseball. I caught the Braves opener (yesterday, as of this writing), and while the Phils got the better of them, I still have high hopes for another winning season. Ender Inciarte, Freddie Freeman and Ozzie Albies are all poised to put up

  • Kids United Playground Fundraising Event: Kicks Off With 3 On 3 Basketball Tournament On Saturday, April 130

    The grounds of the Stevens Primary School, 1150 Louisa Street, Williamsport will be a buzz of activity on Saturday, April 13, when an event to kick-off fundraising efforts to construct a new playground under the auspices of the Kids United program takes place. The activities that day, beginning at 8 a.m. will include a Community

  • Pick-Up Games0

    Spring has finally sprung, and the outdoorsmen are gearing up. Winter sports are over as basketball and wrestling are being replaced by others. Youngsters from the area are getting ready for their baseball and softball runs. Change is in the air, and this is a beautiful time of year. The NCAA Basketball Tournament is my

  • Rough Times for the Ruffed Grouse0

    With spring underway, I should be writing about gobbling turkeys instead of ruffed grouse, but the declining grouse numbers have been getting a lot of attention lately. I’ll admit that I am not a real avid grouse hunter, but in years past I would occasionally head out to the nearby woodlots in search of that

  • The Roving Sportsman… Calling All Gobblers!0

    In just a few short weeks, the Youth Spring Gobbler Season will be held on April 20th, and a week later the month-long regular season will begin on April 27th. We still have time to work on fine-tuning our calling techniques to lure a spring gobbler into range. Most folks, especially as school students, probably

  • Jersey Shore Man Named 2018 World Champion Bare Back Rider0

    When you think of individuals who excel in rodeo riding and events such as bareback riding, you usually think of them as hailing from western states such as Texas, Oklahoma or Wyoming. But right here in our own backyard a Jersey Shore area man, 28-year old Tyler Waltz, was recently named the 2018 World Champion

  • The Avengers0

    Jensen and I have been all over the map the past few months. He was invited to play on a U10 travel basketball squad, and we haven’t stopped. An old coaching friend from the 17740 organized this team. Most of the players reside on State Route 44 outside of Collomsville. My son and one other

  • Mops Anyone?0

    A couple of weeks ago some friends and I attended the Fly-Fishing Show in downtown Lancaster. If you are a fly-fishing enthusiast then very likely you are also a fly-tying devotee as well, and if that’s the case, this show should be on your agenda. Anything a fly tier would ever need is on display

  • The Roving Sportsman… Turkey Camp — Florida Style0

    When we Pennsylvanians conjure up thoughts of going to hunting camp, we generally picture a similar setting. Often, it is an old farmhouse that has been remodeled to include an upgraded kitchen and bedrooms that house numerous bunk beds to sleep all of the hunters. There is usually a large dining area that doubles as

  • How Athletes Can Protect Their Heads and Faces0

    The promise of warmer weather in spring and the possibilities of outdoor recreation entices many adults and children to become physically active. Spring fever might compel people to embrace their favorite sports once again, but it’s important that athletes take measures to protect their heads when suiting up. The Head Injury Association says approximately 1.7