
Latest Issue

  • CWD – Not Going Away0

    Writing about the great outdoors is something outdoor writers enjoy doing — myself included. Some subjects like chronic wasting disease or CWD, however, are very disheartening and garner a good bit of controversy as well. Like it or not CWD is here. It’s an integral part of our hunting heritage, and it’s probably not going

  • The Roving Sportsman… Time to Check Your Turkey Vest0

    March 20th is finally upon us — the official first day of spring! In just over four short weeks, the Pennsylvania Youth Turkey Season will occur — Saturday, April 20 to be exact, and the following Saturday, April 27, will begin the month-long Spring Gobbler Season! With that in mind, this would be a great

  • The Magical Month of March

    The Magical Month of March0

    What a great time to get out and about and enjoy all the happenings early Spring has to offer. There is definitely something for everyone that calls the West Branch Valley home. It is so nice to hear the singing of the robins in the morning and enjoy the sunshine upon returning home in the

  • Sinibaldi’s Swan Song

    Sinibaldi’s Swan Song0

    As the game clock counted down to under a minute to play South Williamsport basketball coach, Rob Houseknecht knew it was time for a curtain call for his seniors. It wasn’t the way he or his players had hoped the season would end but for Pete Sinibaldi, Cole Lentz, A.J. Flick, Ryan Weinhoffer, Tyler Trojan

  • Ice Fishing is Not Over Yet

    Ice Fishing is Not Over Yet0

    Back in December we hard water walkers weren’t too sure we were going to have much of an ice fishing season, but it turns out we are having one of our longest seasons in a while. Even as I write this piece, I’m planning a couple more trips to area lakes in search of my

  • Williamsport Sets Two District Records in Run Up to This week’s PIAA Swimming and Diving Championships0

    Mallory Pardoe touched the wall, quickly looked up as her teammate Elisa Dinicola jumped into the water, and simply waited as the rest of the 400 free relay was completed. Her teammates, Isabelle Griswold, and Lydia Smith along with Dinicola excelled through the race, taking on the best teams District 2 had to offer. When

  • The Roving Sportsman… Prepping for Spring0

    Could it be that Old Man Winter is finally folding up his tent and leaving our area? Warmer temperatures and (hopefully) clearer skies seem to be coming our way and the official first day of spring is actually March 20 this year. We can now look forward to more time out of doors enjoying some

  • Bluebird Nest Help Connect with Wildlife0

    It’s time to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring. The Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Howard Nursery wants to help you “spring” into the season and connect with wildlife in your backyard. Bluebird nesting boxes built by staff at Howard Nursery are available for sale at the nursery office, as well as the Game Commission’s

  • Spring Sports on the Horizon0

    Recently, a cartoon appeared on Facebook. It depicted a shivering groundhog holding up a sign stating, “I lied.” Imagine the nation’s ‘most followed weather prognosticator’ admitting he falsely misled us — and this admission coming on the heels of George Washington’s birthday — the man who couldn’t tell a lie! That false prophecy was on

  • In Defense of Bobby Knight0

    ESPN’s 30 for 30 recently aired “The Last Days of [Bobby] Knight,” about the brilliant, successful, but now much-maligned former basketball coach of Indiana University, for verbally and physically abusing some of his players. While no doubt historically accurate, the film I believe, over-accentuated the negative at the expense of the many positive things Bobby

  • Jacoby in Winter0

    North Central Pennsylvania is home to many treasures. Yes. We live in an area with such incredible beauty. I do my best to take full advantage as I try to “commune with nature” quite often. I prefer to fish, but hiking has always been a passion. One of my favorite treks is a little known

  • Now, It’s Up to You!0

    Every year an untold number of Pennsylvania hunters cross our borders to spend time and money pursuing their passion for hunting outside our state. Some of these individuals travel to western states to hunt for elk, mule deer, mountain lions or other game that is simply not available here. Often, several hunters will travel with