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  • Changes in Fishing Regulations0

    As the hunting seasons begin to wind down, some of us begin looking towards the upcoming fishing seasons. I know trout season is still a long way off, but we ice fishermen are hoping to get out on a lake in the not-too-distant future. With the fishing season not far off, it’s also time to

  • Bear Talk0

    Living in this part of Pennsylvania, it’s certainly not unusual for the topic of black bears to come up in a conversation, and that’s especially true during the bear hunting seasons. More and more people, including many who don’t hunt, are reporting sightings of bears than ever before. There’s a good reason for these increased

  • Rare “White Sighting”0

    I ran into a friend of mine last week, and when he walked up to me, he was reaching for his cell phone. Being the first week of deer season, I was expecting to see some photos of the big buck he got, but to my surprise, that’s not what he wanted me to see.

  • Bald Eagles0

    As a hunter, fisherman, and outdoor enthusiast, I enjoy seeing all kinds of wildlife — and that includes the various bird species. As a wildlife artist, I have an even greater interest because I enjoy painting birds of all kinds, including songbirds. While this interest doesn’t make me a serious bird watcher like some people

  • Pennsylvania Elk-Tourist Attraction and Hunting Ambition

    Pennsylvania Elk-Tourist Attraction and Hunting Ambition0

    Elk were native to Pennsylvania when the first European settlers arrived in our area, but the elk were no doubt a major and much-needed food source at that time. There were obviously no hunting regulations, and by the 1870s, Pennsylvania’s native elk were believed to be gone. The creation of the Game Commission, however, in

  • Deer Season, Oh How it’s Changed0

    A bunch of guys and I were talking over some coffee the other morning, and the subject of deer hunting came up. The more we talked, the more we delved into the past and how things have changed over the years. Do you remember “in the old days,” when you finally got your deer dragged


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