
Latest Issue

  • Candy Cane Lane Bringing Holiday Enjoyment To Thousands For More Than 60 Years0

    Who knew that an idea generated at a simple neighborhood party in DuBoistown in 1957 would give rise to one of this area’s most special and enduring Christmastime institutions? That special institution is Candy Cane Lane, located on Summer Street and Spring Street in the borough of DuBoistown. There are 14 homes involved along Summer

  • Christmas Coloring Contest0

    Here ye, Here ye! Gather ‘round the Christmas tree munchkin children as we have important things to discuss! I have no idea what a sugarplum is, but tell them to stop dancing in your head, because it is once again time for the Blaise Alexander Family Dealership Christmas Fun Coloring Contest in Webb Weekly! Creatures

  • Gazette and Bulletin: December 17, 1936 – Larry Kelley Accepts Heisman Trophy0

    Lawrence Morgan Kelley, Williamsport’s proud contribution to the All-American list, whose pigskin heroics provided the most glorious chapter in Yale’s gridiron lore, hauled down his house, as he accepted the John H. Heisman Trophy as the outstanding college football player of 1936. As 750 banqueteers, among them his mother and father honored him at the

  • County Hall Corner: Voter Rights and Wrongs0

    As Lycoming County voters noticed at the recent election, there was a new voting system introduced to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It involves a paper ballot that is inserted into a scanner — a verifiable and auditable ballot. While we might blame our Harrisburg bureaucrats for this, the blame should be pointed further south, all

  • Filling the Truck to Help Santa0

    Retail manager Brian Hicks, far right, has made the Marine reserves Toys for Tots program a K&W Tire focus on giving back and helping the community. He wants to make sure Santa makes a visit to every boy and girl across the West Branch Valley. Pictured with Bryan are fellow Santa helpers Jackson McCafferty, Seth

  • Twenty-Five Winner Selected in WASD Education Foundation Holiday Essay Contest

    Twenty-Five Winner Selected in WASD Education Foundation Holiday Essay Contest0

    The Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation recently concluded its annual Holiday Essay Contest, during which students in kindergarten through third grade were asked to answer, in 200 words or less: “What are you most thankful for during the holiday season and why?” From a pool of 81 entries, the top 25 winners were selected

  • This Week’s LION: Anne Reiner, Millennial Media Entrepreneur

    This Week’s LION: Anne Reiner, Millennial Media Entrepreneur0

    How do most folks in Lycoming County get information about their region? The local daily newspaper has been suffering a shrinking readership and subscriptions for some time now. Newspaper circulars in restaurants and grocery stores have some local items, generally revolved around school activities, sporting events, or award presentations. Webb Weekly has a unique niche

  • 17th Annual Salvation Army Festival of Trees: Friday, December 13 At Lycoming Mall0

    An opportunity to brighten the holiday landscape and at the same time, support the excellent work of the local Salvation Army takes place when the 17th Salvation Army Festival of Trees takes place this Friday, December 13, at 7 p.m. at the Lycoming Mall. This annual event is sponsored by the Lycoming Mall, Backyard Broadcasting,

  • County Hall Corner: Lame Duck or Sleeping Lion?0

    American democracy has a rich heritage and one that we woefully take for granted. Marvel for a moment that since 1900, only six countries in the world have NOT changed their form of government. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the insights of our Founding Fathers in crafting such an amazing document as

  • Dog Licenses for 2020 Available From Lycoming County Treasurer0

    Pennsylvania 2020 dog licenses went on sale December 2, 2019. Dog owners who need to purchase 2020 dog licenses may do so at the Lycoming County Treasurer’s office located at 33 West Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. “Licensing your dog is a quick and easy process and assures a safe return if your dog should

  • Gazette and Bulletin: December 13, 1936 – Seven Firemen Injured When Millville Trucker Interfered With Engine0

    In responding to a fire alarm at 609 Wyoming Street at 3:19 o’clock yesterday afternoon, fire pumper No. 2 and seven firemen out of eight riding on the apparatus suffered injuries, when the pumper rammed into the side of a heavy truck laden with several tons of coal, at the interception of Washington Boulevard and

  • Music, Magic and Miracles with the Williamsport Flute Choir0

    Williamsport is fortunate to have such varied musical groups to help ring in the holidays. The Williamsport Flute Choir will present their holiday concerts at 2 pm on December 14 in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church at 604 Market Street, Williamsport. The concert will feature the flute choir and several musical guests, vocalists,