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  • American Legion Makes Donation

    American Legion Makes Donation0

    American Legion Post 104 Montoursville stopped by the Central PA Food bank recently with a $5,000 donation to help out during this crisis. Pictured left to right are: Jeff Hamilton – Post Finance Officer, Food Bank Manager Travis Berg, and Doug Rupert, Post Jr. Vice Commander.

  • County Hall Corner:0

    Yes, We Still Will Have an Election Coming The worst part of the The Great 2020 COVID-19 Shutdown is that we are living through a historic moment in real time. Decades from now, history books (or tablets, or whatever) will note how it slowly built through a concern to a genuine emergency to the point

  • Gazette and Bulletin: April 26, 1893 – Due Honor Paid to the Liberty Bell0

    The reception for the Liberty Bell last evening was a complete success, unmarred by any occurrences that detracted from the pleasure of the occasion. The train arrived at the Park Hotel station at 6:15 o’clock and remained just 15 minutes. In this time all present had ample opportunity of gazing upon one of the nation’s

  • The First 100 Days By Mayor Derek Slaughter0

    The first 100 days have been a roller coaster. Our administration was off to a good start — accomplishing some of our initial goals of getting our team in place, getting the City management processes and financial records in order, and working with City Council to formulate a long-range strategic plan for City government. Those

  • 2019-2020 Edition of Loyalsock Lancer Marching Band Called One of the Best in School History0

    During the 2019-2020 competition season, the current edition of the Loyalsock Lancers Marching Band has earned the right to be called “one of the best, if not the best in the history of Loyalsock Township High School,” that is the opinion of their hard-working director, Ryan Bulgarelli. According to Director Bulgarelli, the band has broken

  • Williamsport Sun: March 18, 1948 – Clay Building Closes Due to Scarlet Fever0

    Officials of the Williamsport School District and the Board of Health ordered closing of the Henry Clay School this morning after another case of Scarlet Fever was discovered. The latest sufferer is Delores Finn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Finn of 927 West Fourth Street, a fourth-grade pupil, Delores was in school Wednesday but

  • This Week’s LION: Staying Positive being COVID Positive0

    What is it like to be COVID-positive? What is it like to live in the same house together with a family member who has this virus? My daughter, Elizabeth, is a healthcare worker in the greater Philadelphia area, and two weeks ago she called my wife and I with the solemn news that she had

  • Williamsport Sun: April 14, 1945 – City Joins Tribute to Leader0

    After the first shock of the first news of the sudden death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt was absorbed by its citizenry, the city of Williamsport began to pay tribute to its leader. The memory of President Roosevelt will be honored in Williamsport and vicinity today and Sunday in special services, particularly during official special

  • Keystone Advertising Specialists Helping to Alleviate Face Mask Shortage 0

      Both President Trump and Governor Wolf have recommended the use of protective face masks when people are out in public as an aid in preventing the spread of the Corona Virus. Unfortunately, this type of facial protection is in short supply and all kinds of means are being used to alleviate this shortage. Businesses

  • STEP Services Available Amid Pandemic Shutdowns0

    STEP’s facilities are currently closed to customer walk-ins, but most of the agency’s services – considered essential – continue to offer assistance to individuals and families, many of whom are navigating social assistance for the first time due to COVID-19. “STEP is committed to protecting the health and wellness of our customers and staff, while

  • This Week’s LION: Hope from Israel0

    There is a saying that misery loves company, and if that statement is true, there must be a lot of love going around these days. It has been estimated that one-third of the world is in some form of isolation due to the COVID-19 virus. I was curious how some of these folks are coping

  • Remembering Easter 19430

    President Trump has likened the present Corona Virus pandemic crisis to being in a wartime situation and at times if feels like that. It might be good to look back and remember another Eastertide that took place in a real wartime situation. Easter 77 years ago was in many ways typical, but it was not