
Latest Issue

  • JOIN THE FIGHT!  World Prematurity Day November 17th

    JOIN THE FIGHT! World Prematurity Day November 17th0

    It is not something that a mother plans, nor is it something that one wishes for. Nothing can prepare a mother for an early birth. 33,000 babies will be born premature this month. That is 1 in every 10 babies. Every 12 hours a mother dies due to pregnancy complications. Additionally, two babies die each

  • Williamsport’s Veterans Memorial Park to Feature Gold Star Family Monument0

    Williamsport’s Veterans Memorial Park is one of the most striking and extensive tributes to our nation’s veterans that can be seen anywhere. It recently had another interesting feature when a former Navy A-6 Intruder jet was placed there. It is about to receive another notable and reverential component when the Central Pennsylvania Gold Star Families

  • County Hall Corner: State Award to JPO Chief Ed Robbins

    County Hall Corner: State Award to JPO Chief Ed Robbins0

    For almost 70 years, the Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission of Pennsylvania has been responsible for establishing standards that are used in the juvenile court system in the Commonwealth. They have been a flagship to the rest of the nation in this area. Besides setting parameters for best practices, they also seek to highlight those who

  • Grit: November 10, 1918 – Get Ready for Parade If Armistice is Signed Today Whistle Will Blow0

    If the armistice is signed today, the big parade in celebration of the fact will take place strictly according to the program outlined in the general order issued by Marshal H.L. Laird and Chief of Staff Emerson Collins, printed below. Events have been moving quickly and turbulently and Germany has their own guess about whether

  • Local Woman and Horse Win 2020 Huntingdon PA Mustang TIP Challenge1

    Kimberly Frame, a mother of two children, has always had a deep love for horses ever since growing up on a small farm in the Linden area. She has taken this love of all things equine into adulthood and recently reached a higher level in this by having her horse, a mustang, and her win

  • Gazette and Bulletin: November 7, 1951 – arman, Greevy Succeed Figures Long Familiar0

    Two familiar faces will soon be gone from City Hall and the Court House. Replacing them will be Clifford L. Harman and Charles F. Greevy, elected mayor and judge respectively, in yesterday’s voting. Children in junior high school can remember no Mayor of Williamsport except Leo C. Williamson. Recent college graduates are unable to recall

  • County Hall Corner: Budget News and Blues0

    Everyone who works with finances has to operate with a budget. Even in our personal finances, we know that we have to plan correctly to prevent “too much month at the end of the money.” This is true with government entities as well, as they have to plan a budget and show concretely where the

  • United Way to Kick Off Homelessness Awareness Month in Socktober: New partnership with Curtin Intermediate School to help community0

    One of the biggest needs for homeless shelters and those serving the homeless are socks. Yes, socks. Since 2014, Anna Radspinner and the Curtin Intermediate School have held Socktober. Every student would bring in a pair or bundle of unused socks to give to organizations throughout the community. In the past, socks were provided to

  • Deer on the Move Motorist Use Caution0

    With deer becoming increasingly active, and daylight-saving time soon to put more vehicles on the road during the hours when deer move most, the Pennsylvania Game Commission is advising motorists to slow down and stay alert. Deer become more active in autumn with the lead-up to their fall breeding season, commonly referred to as the

  • Halloween Safety in the Time of COVID-190

    This year’s Halloween season is far different than any other we have experienced before. We are encountering unprecedented challenges we have never faced before, and that is, of course, the mean old COVID-19 virus. The threat of contracting this highly contagious and dangerous virus has changed the way we have conducted our lives, and the

  • Lycoming County’s Presidential Votes Have Trended Heavily Republican Through the Years0

    As America breathlessly awaits the results of the contentious and hotly contested 2020 Presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the race locally seems to be a given. If historical trends continue as they have in the past, Republican Presidential candidate and incumbent President Donald J. Trump should very handily carry Lycoming County. Webb

  • County Hall Corner: Surprise!0

    Surprise! That word could either express intense happiness or insufferable disappointment. It is a universal emotion, as virtually everyone is happy with a good surprise and unhappy with a bad one. Reflecting on 2020 and especially in response to the COVID virus, I have had three big surprises, two quite unhappy and one rather happy.