
Latest Issue

  • Event To Commemorate Hero-Flyer Lost In Area 70 Years Ago1

    On April 26, 1946, a highly decorated World War II pilot, Captain Lawrence Ritter, crashed in a freak snowstorm in the area near Slate Run, in northwestern Lycoming County. He has been virtually forgotten by history, except, of course, to his own family and friends. Three men from the VFW Benefit Center in Lock Haven

  • This Week’s LION Cassandra Coleman: Don’t Let Her Age Fool You

    This Week’s LION Cassandra Coleman: Don’t Let Her Age Fool You0

    A unique event is going to be held in Lycoming County on April 30th at 1:30 p.m. at the Mary Welch Theater of Lycoming College, 605 Mulberry Street in Williamsport. For those who read their Webb Weekly cover to cover (as everyone should, of course), it will be evident that this same opening sentence featured

  • Gazette and Bulletin April 25, 1927: Will Rogers Registers Hit0

    Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr. Will Rogers, expert gum chewer, lariat twirler and analyst of human frailties, talked incessantly from 8:30 to 10:40 o’clock Saturday evening before a fair-sized audience at the Elks’ auditorium, where he spoke under the auspices of the American Legion. But the listening and appreciating powers of the audience surpassed the

  • Earth Day0

    Sunday is Earth Day and this year’s campaign centers on ending plastic pollution — but I’ll get to that in a minute. The idea for Earth Day was the brainchild of then U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. He organized the first Earth Day after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara,

  • County Hall Corner: The Need to Read0

    Baby Boomers came into a world that was completely different than their parents who suffered through the Great Depression and World War II. Travel became easier as automobiles became more affordable and the road system improved. Home entertainment became possible with television and radio. One of the unfortunate side effects of these new experiences was

  • Comic Con Comes to Town0

    This Sunday superheroes and evil villains bent of mayhem will overtake the Genetti Hotel’s ballroom for the second annual Williamsport Comic-Con. If you think comic cons, short for a comic convention, are strictly about nerdy geeks and their obsession with old comic books once sold at drug stores, think again. “If you’ve never been to

  • Williamsport High School Football Team Hosts Unusual Third Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser0

    There are many interesting and unusual ways to raise funds to benefit organizations or causes. For the third straight year, the Williamsport High School Millionaire Football Team will be conducting a mattress sale fundraiser as a way of defraying the extensive costs of a football program so that the taxpayers aren’t footing the entire bill.

  • This Week’s LION: Mike Wrench: Drummer with a Difference

    This Week’s LION: Mike Wrench: Drummer with a Difference0

    Mike Wrench marches to the beat of a different drummer — because he IS that drummer. This 33-year old native of Nippenose Valley, and Jersey Shore High School grad has a unique passion. He uses percussion as therapy. That’s right — get to beat to get better. His program, entitled ‘Upbeat Outreach’, is designed to

  • Uptown Music Collective Wraps Up Performance Season With a Tribute to The Rolling Stones0

    On April 27th and 28th the Uptown Music Collective will take the stage at the Community Arts Center to perform the music of the group frequently called the “The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World,” The Rolling Stones. The performance, Gimme Shelter: A Tribute to the Rolling Stones, will feature Uptown Music Collective students bringing some

  • Friends of the James V. Brown Library Spring Book Sale0

    Friends of the James V. Brown Library Spring Book Sale To Be Held April 19, 20 and 21 By Lou Hunsinger Jr. If you like high quality used books for those upcoming beach trips this summer, then the Friends of the Library Book Sale this weekend will be the place for you. Book lovers, don’t

  • Embrace Your Voice1

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), “this year, SAAM is celebrating its 17th anniversary with the theme ‘Embrace Your Voice’ to inform individuals on how they can use their words to promote safety, respect, and equality to stop sexual violence before it happens.” There are

  • Eighth YWCA Chair.ity Auction is April 130

    Several luxury vacation packages and fine dining experiences are among the highlights of this year’s Eighth Biennial YWCA Chair.ity Auction to be held Friday, April 13 at Farrington Place, 416 W. Third St., to support its life-changing programs. The auction preview and cocktail hour begins at 6:00 p.m. and the live auction starts promptly at