
Latest Issue

  • Engaging Landlords to Help Homeless Individuals0

    Local landlords can help end homelessness in Lycoming County by participating in the YWCA Northcentral PA’s new Housing Location Services. Informational sessions for interested landlords are on set for Monday, May 21 with sessions at 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. at the YWCA, 815 W. Fourth St. To register for one of the sessions, visit

  • County Hall Corner: Goodbye to a Wonderful Warden0

    Retirement is often a bittersweet event. In one sense, it is joyous for an individual who has labored for decades in worthwhile service to an organization to be rewarded, but it is also sad for the colleagues to know that this individual will no longer be around. That emotion was in full swing at the

  • Gazette and Bulletin: May 15, 1948: Jewish Residents Exult Over News of Israel State0

    Jewish residents of Williamsport received word of the creation of the new state of Israel and of its recognition by the United States government with high emotions. Already, celebrations are being planned, and many toasts and congratulations on the event passed among the city’s Jewish residents as the news became known. Rabbi Samuel Biinder said

  • Graduation0

    Similar to those famous countdowns at Cape Canaveral, in numerous households across the region that ‘countdown’ is proceeding full speed until upcoming high school graduation days blast products of eighteen years of nurtured love into the ‘unknown’ stratosphere of ‘the real world.’ Those coming out parties will be launched with varying degrees of mixed emotions.

  • This Week’s LION – Anna Vaughn Stewart: Passionate Playwright

    This Week’s LION – Anna Vaughn Stewart: Passionate Playwright0

    Seniors in high school are typically preoccupied with serious life decisions like what they will do after high school, and other, not as serious but just as vexing issues, such as excessive facial oil and who they will go with to the prom. But a young lady by the name of Anna Vaughn Stewart, soon-to-be

  • New South Williamsport Tennis Courts Ribbon Cutting to be Held Saturday, May 190

    At a time in which recreation facilities are being decreased in many municipalities due to funding woes, one community will be dedicating a new recreational benefit for its community — new tennis courts. This will be the case in South Williamsport, when those new courts will have their official ribbon cutting on Saturday, May 19,

  • Lifeguards Needed For Splash Cove0

    If you want the ideal summer job that can provide you that “beach buff” tan you have always looked for, lets you enjoy the outdoors and being around water, and allow you to help others to have fun, then a job staffing the “Splash Cove” as lifeguard for the City of Williamsport, might be the

  • County Hall Corner: Planting a Tree0

    Arbor Day, April 27th, came and went, and probably only one out of a hundred people knew of it, and probably only one out of that number celebrated the event. The idea of planting trees might not seem glamorous, but Williamsport built its reputation as the “Lumber Capital of the World,” and had not those

  • Gazette and Bulletin May 10, 1938: Police Laboratory Shows in Specimen Weed Found by High School Boy0

    • May 9, 2018

    The specimen of weed the high school boy discovered and turned over to Captain Joseph Schmucker as suspected marihuana, and which was sent to the Philadelphia Police Laboratory for identification, proves to be a plant of unusual nature to that laboratory, although not marihuana. In a letter received by Captain Schmucker last night, Edward J.

  • Crossroads Community Church, Williamsport Bureau of Police and Department of Homeland Security to Conduct Shooting Incident Safety Workshop0

    Mass casualty shooting incidents have been an all too tragic norm in recent years. This sad tendency even reached its ugly hand into houses of worship in November 2017 when 26 people were killed in a mass-shooting incident at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. In order to prevent such a tragedy, or

  • Lycoming County Youth Development Task Force

    Lycoming County Youth Development Task Force0

    May 1st Alex Reed a sophomore from Loyalsock and Connery McFadden a senior from Saint John Neumann met with Congressman Tom Marino to discuss the Lycoming County Youth Development Taskforce.  Alex and Connery presented information on the areas of focus for the YDTF and asked for Marino’s support.  Alex and Connery spoke about the recent

  • Second Annual Dance the Night Away with Hope: Set for May 40

    If you would enjoy a local version of “Dancing With the Stars,” and at the same time, support a worthy cause, then you might be interested in attending and supporting the Second Annual “Dance the Night Away.” The event, which benefits Hope Enterprise, to be held on Friday, May 4 at the Genetti Hotel. Modeled