
Latest Issue

  • County Hall Corner: School Vigilance, Part 30

    This article will conclude our three-part series on addressing the current crisis in school shootings and how Lycoming County is doing everything possible to prevent it from happening here. The first two installments featured the Juvenile Probation Department with Brian Pick and an example of school support with the East Lycoming Area High School and

  • Camp Cadet Marches On

    Camp Cadet Marches On0

    • June 20, 2018

    Law enforcement in this country has been taking it on the chin lately as the result of some high visibility, controversial incidents that have been taking place in various parts of the country. In Lycoming County, law enforcement owns a good reputation and the respect of the citizens, this may be the result in part,

  • Gazette and Bulletin: June 18, 1941 – Eight Arrests in Parking Campaign0

    That city police are cooperating in efforts to eliminate double parking in the business district street is shown in the reports that at least eight motorists have been fined recently for parking in the regular parking lanes. Others have been tagged during the campaign, but the records do not disclose how many because of no

  • County Hall Corner: School Vigilance, Part 20

    The recent rise in school shootings has had a fall out in many dimensions. Homeschooling has taken a sharp rise. Even churches are initiating or upgrading their security measures. In Lycoming County, there is a strong network that is manning the front lines against such troubles in our schools. Last week we featured Brian Pick,

  • Gazette and Bulletin: June 7, 1935: Grays Celebrate Pennant Raising With 4-3 Win Over Brooks0

    After watching the 1934 Nypen League pennant hoisted to the Bowman Field flagpole in a ceremony that marked the formal and official recognition of Williamsport as champion of the Class A circuit, the Grays went out and conquered the Reading Brooks, 4-3, in the opening game of the series. With a “booster” throng of 1,643

  • 35th Williamsport/Lycoming Flag Day March Thursday, June 140

    It will be a great day for “Old Glory” when the annual Flag Day March is held. It is a little extra special this year — since this will be the 35th time this venerable event will step off. In these sometimes contentious and tumultuous times, this event is a reminder of what is good

  • A Little Bit of This and That…0

    As you know, Webb Weekly has always tried to give as much coverage as possible to anything related to drug prevention in our area. It seems, sometimes, if there aren’t reports of dozens of heroin overdoses in the news, the opiod epidemic in our area and across the country can get pushed to the wayside.

  • Richard C. James: A Man Who Made A Difference

    Richard C. James: A Man Who Made A Difference2

    Various people say how important it is to try and make a difference in your community. Many of these people just talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Richard C. James talked the talked but also walked the walk. Boy, did he ever! Richard died suddenly last week at the age of 73, and

  • Goals Become Reality as Malicky Places at States With School-Record-Breaking Throw in the Javelin

    Goals Become Reality as Malicky Places at States With School-Record-Breaking Throw in the Javelin0

    It was just a normal practice in the middle of the track season when Jersey Shore’s Lyndsay Malicky came up with a plan to get out to hurdle practice. Malicky is like most people. She doesn’t want to run around in the heat and thought about how she could get out of her workout. The

  • Ninth Annual Soap Box Derby To Be Held Saturday, June 90

    Market Street Hill will again be alive with the sight of soap box racers and spectators this Saturday, as the Ninth Annual Soap Box Derby is held. “Since 2010 this event seems to be getting bigger and bigger and gaining more interest,” Jim Campbell, one of the organizers of the event, told Webb Weekly. “The

  • Tiadaghton Elm and Keystone Challenge Canoe/Kayak/SUP Events on the Susquehanna River

    Tiadaghton Elm and Keystone Challenge Canoe/Kayak/SUP Events on the Susquehanna River0

    On June 16th and 17th, two paddling events will be held on the Susquehanna River in the Jersey Shore area — The Tiadaghton Elm Canoe and Kayak Classic and the Keystone Challenge. On Saturday, June 16th, the long-running Tiadaghton Elm Canoe and Kayak Classic is held. This event is in its 54th year in 2018.

  • Grit: June 9, 1968: Somber Nation Pays Final Respects as Kennedy is Buried in Arlington0

    Robert F. Kennedy was buried on a gentle hillside tonight in the uncertain light of a full moon – and the flame flickering eternally over the grave of martyred President John F. Kennedy. The restless senator, who had aspired to follow his brother’s path to the White House, found serenity at last among the heroes