
Latest Issue

  • Ignite Ambition: How women can inspire other women0

    Having “it all” is a concept women have discussed and aspired to attain for nearly 40 years. Still, the conversation continues because no one has determined what having it all actually means. A first-of-its-kind social experiment dug deeper into the choices women make in life and uncovered that female relationships often play a significant role.

  • County Hall Corner: What a Ride!0

    By the time you read this column, the 9/11 Memorial Ride will probably have come and gone. If you live in Lycoming County, there is a good chance that you had the opportunity to see the waves and waves of motorcycles going by with their American flags waving behind them. With thousands of riders each

  • Back-to-School Meals in Minutes: Mexican menu ideas for simple family dinners0

    When the school year is back in full swing, families often find themselves battling the mealtime crunch. Mexican-inspired meals bursting with flavor are known family-friendly picks that can be easily prepared and put on the table on those frenzied weeknights. These simple ideas from the experts at Ortega can help make “taco night” and other

  • Never Forget0

    “Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender.” ~ John McCain Tuesday will mark the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the US. After you enjoy your long weekend with friends and family,

  • 17th 9-11 Memorial Coalition Motorcycle Ride To Take Place Tuesday, September 11

    17th 9-11 Memorial Coalition Motorcycle Ride To Take Place Tuesday, September 110

    The presentation of a donated drone to local law enforcement officials, and remarks from a former combat Medevac pilot as a guest speaker, are among the highlights of this year’s 17th Annual 9-11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride, which will take place on the roads of Lycoming County this coming Tuesday, September 11. Sara Christiansen, a former

  • James V. Brown Library Offers Back-to-School Resources0

    As the first day of school approaches, is your child prepared for the academic year? Libraries across Pennsylvania grow students’ school readiness social, cognitive and emotional skills. The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., offers year-round story times and early literacy programs to help preschoolers with transitioning. “Coming to our story times can

  • Milton Harvest Festival Celebrates 42nd Year0

    The Milton Harvest Festival opens its 42nd year with the Tomato Bowl football game on Friday night at Milton Alumni Football Stadium. The event continues with arts, crafts, food and fun on Saturday, September 8th and the 15th as Broadway and Bound avenues, in downtown Milton, are closed for the events. The Festival closes on

  • County Hall Corner: Here Comes da Flood0

    Psychologists tell us that our mind cannot hold two contrary thoughts in our mind and believe that both are true. But, unfortunately, many homeowners in our area must do just that very thing. Here it goes — a person knows they cannot afford flood insurance for their home, and they also know that there is

  • Gazette and Bulletin: September 2, 1933 – 14-Year-Old Girl Demands $500 in Extortion Letter0

    • September 5, 2018

    An attempt to extort $500 from a prominent Grampian Boulevard businessman was frustrated early yesterday morning by city police, and led last night to the uncovering of a “red hand society” among teenage children in the vicinity of the boulevard and the discovery of the author of the note. A letter, excellent written and accurately

  • Williamsport to Host the “Super Bowl” of Drum Corps World Championship Competition This Weekend0

    The Williamsport area has just concluded hosting one world-class event in the Little League World Series. Now it will turn around and host another one when the DCA World Championships are held here this weekend, August 31 to September 2 at Williamsport Area High School’s STA stadium and at the Community Arts Center in downtown

  • Grit August 25, 1963: Recreation Series Presents Solo Shakespeare Reading0

    Arriving for final rehearsals today in his hometown, Van Youngman is looking forward to his performance Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Brandon Park, where he will give a special one-man show for the community free recreational series. Mr. Youngman, whose family resides in town, is a professional actor who has been studied and played in

  • County Hall Corner: Wet Weather Woes1

    If it seems that we have had a very wet summer, it is because we have. National Weather Service reports that 11.99 inches of rain (let’s call it 12 inches), fell in Williamsport in the month of July, with the normal amount being 4.34 inches. July 2018 ranks as the wettest July on record, shattering