
Latest Issue

  • Gazette and Bulletin: December 18, 1937 – Nickel Meals Offered at High School Cafeteria Pint of Soup for 3 Cents0

    A meal for a nickel can be secured by the students of the Williamsport High School at the cafeteria maintained in the school under the direction of Mrs. Beulah Manley. Balanced menus are prepared weekly, which incorporate the use of protein, carbohydrates and vitamin containing foods. The daily fare consists of one main plate, a minor

  • County Hall Corner: A Good Looking Golf Course0

    Winston Churchill thought playing golf was dumb. He commented that it was a game designed to hit a very small ball into a very small hole with instruments ill-designed for the purpose. Many in Lycoming County would echo those sentiments. Why does the county need a municipal golf course anyway? Actually, Lycoming County is very

  • Interesting to Amazing by Tom, son of Ann and Sam0

    I was sorry to hear that Gerry Ayers passed away so soon after writing his last column. It reminds me of Charles Schultz and his last “Peanuts” column. Mr. Schultz, among other things, was a sports fan. He particularly liked ice-skating and hockey, starting, later in life, an over-75 hockey league! All the more a

  • Director of Little League Museum Describes His Encounter With George H.W. Bush0

    Lance Van Auken, director of the World of Little League Peter J. McGovern Museum has his own fond memories of the late 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, who died on November 30 at the age of 94. Van Auken was tasked by Steve Keener, President and CEO of Little League International Inc.,

  • “Always Give Thanks” By Scott Anthony Watson – 6th Grade, Curtin Intermediate School

    “Always Give Thanks” By Scott Anthony Watson – 6th Grade, Curtin Intermediate School0

    Always give thanks for the things you have, because what you have might not be what someone else has. You might have a nice source of entertainment, but the other person might not have nice things and can’t get access to the Internet. Always give thanks for the food that you eat. You might eat

  • Twenty-Fine Winners Selected in WADEF Holiday Essay Contest0

    The Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation recently concluded its annual Holiday Essay Contest, during which students in kindergarten through sixth grade were asked to answer, in 200 words or less: “What does the holiday season mean to you and why?” From a pool of 127 entries, the top 25 winners were selected and received

  • County Hall Corner: A Meeting Minus One 0

    When I attend the County Commissioners Meetings, I see people from time to time that know me, and they ask, “Larry, why are you here?” My standard reply is, “I cover the county for Webb Weekly and write a column called, ‘County Hall Corner.’” Often people apologize that they read the column but miss the

  • Gazette and Bulletin: December 10, 1954 – Smelly PRR Underpass at Pine Street Closed0

    The Pine Street underpass which permits pedestrians traffic under the Pennsylvania Railroad, has been closed temporarily, City Councilman Chester D. Wolfe, director of public safety, said yesterday. Built in 1898, the tunnel is one of the city’s landmarks. Mr. Wolfe citing the poor and unhealthy condition of the underpass as the reason for closing the

  • Christmas Album By Local Musicians To Benefit Lycoming Arts Program0

    When Meg Finn, director of the Lycoming Arts Council, and accomplished area musician and music producer, Walt Straiton, met several months ago to discuss the idea of producing a Christmas music album featuring area musicians, they had no idea that it would become such a work of love and great music that would benefit Lycoming

  • “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School

    “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School0

    The reason why I like Christmas is because it’s God’s birthday, and because of the meaning of giving. Sometimes I don’t like the presents, but I take them to be nice. My favorite part about Christmas is spending time with my family. My big brother is disabled, so I love him a lot. It’s like

  • Christmastime is Here…0

    Alright y’all. December is here, so I am officially on board for the Christmas season! I’ve started making my lists, and I even bought one present already! And it wasn’t even for me! It’s time for tree shopping, and ornament finding and I’m always on the hunt for vintage reindeer that border somewhere between adorable

  • Local Historian Tom Baird to Discuss Rare Copper Artifact at Museum – NCC8 Presentation Coincides with Museum’s Holiday Shopping Spree0

    Chris Andy adjusted his earphones and swung his metal detector left, then right, in a measured, cautious gesture. The sound, more clear this time, was distinct. The detector’s digital readout read copper, and he wondered if he would find another coin. Cautious to dig only a small divot from the turf, he heard the distinct