
Latest Issue

  • Gazette and Bulletin: January 14, 1949 – City-to-New York Air Service to Start Next Month0

    The Civil Aeronautics Board yesterday cleared the way for Williamsport’s dream for direct air service to New York City to come true. City Solicitor Charles F. Bidelspacher revealed that he was notified service will begin next month. An All-American official said that four flights a day will be instituted from Pittsburgh to Williamsport, and New

  • The Liberty Arena is Ready to Help Williamsport’s Downtown Continue to Grow and Thrive With Revamped Features0

    A set of bronze statues on all four corners of the main street downtown, sidewalk squares centered with plaques naming area sports standouts, and citizens filled with the passion of any big city considered a sports capital of this country. Williamsport is a gem tucked into the mountains of Pennsylvania, and its downtown area, displaying

  • County Hall Corner: Tour Guide Edition0

    Welcome, everyone, please come in. I see you remembered what I said about coming in the door from the parking lot located on the Court Street side. I know that is a little confusing with the sign above the entranceway door saying “Executive Plaza Building, 330 Pine Street.” Follow me as we are going to

  • Gazette and Bulletin: January 10, 1934 – WRAK Institutes Innovation in ‘Early Bird’ Programming0

    The first of a new series of programs will be inaugurated on Monday morning on WRAK. Williamsport’s local radio station, when the “Early Bird Program” goes on the air at 7:30 o’clock a.m. This program is an innovation unlike anything ever offered in Williamsport, and is built around the idea of giving information which will help

  • Grit: January 4, 1964 – City Joins Others in State Proposing Occupation Tax0

    Although Williamsport has approved a 1964 budget, the proposed occupational privilege tax is still in the study stage. Receipts from the tax, estimated at $156,000, have been figured into the budget, making its passage virtually certain. But a mass of legal technicalities that go along with the tax indicate that several more weeks may be

  • County Hall Corner: A Bumpy Year Ahead?0

    The beginning of a new year is generally a time to make resolutions, but it also should be a time to do a little strategic thinking. All of us would benefit by examining the challenges of the coming year that should be factored into our thinking or planning. This is certainly true for county government

  • Fish Real Estate Makes Donation

    Fish Real Estate Makes Donation0

    Fish Real Estate, Williamsport and Lock Haven donated over $2,500 worth of gifts and grocery gift cards to local families and senior citizens in need this holiday season. Fish Real Estate in Williamsport utilized the nonprofit organization Favors Forward to facilitate this process in Williamsport and The Salvation Army in Lock Haven. In the photo

  • Gazette and Bulletin: December 26, 1918 – Many Saw the Lighted Tree0

    Williamsport’s community Christmas tree celebration Tuesday evening was a great success in spite of the inclement weather. The tree had been repaired and rebuilt; it is now one of the most symmetrical the city has had and the lighting is so perfectly placed that the illumination is splendidly balanced and the effect beautiful. In spite

  • Christmas Toys and Living Water0

    Every year there seems to be a must-have Christmas present that everyone is trying to buy. I did a little search and came across a list of the top Christmas gifts going all the way back to the 1920s! Along with the list, I have added a little commentary of my own. While still enjoying

  • This Year’s LION: The Wonder Wife – Debbie Stout

    This Year’s LION: The Wonder Wife – Debbie Stout1

    The Leaders in Our Neighborhood articles have not been as frequent in 2018 as in previous years, largely because of increased responsibilities in other areas (see “County Hall Corner”), but I felt a year-end feature was called for. And in keeping with the end of year mood, it seemed appropriate to announce my choice for

  • PPL Helps Distribute Food

    PPL Helps Distribute Food0

    PPL employees from the Montoursville Service Center volunteered time to help distribute food to families at the Salvation Army in Williamsport. The Salvation Army serves families in need with their annual Christmas food box including nonperishables, fruit and a frozen turkey or chicken. The Salvation Army also distributes toys from the Marines’ Toys For Tots

  • County Hall Corner: Year End Awards0

    This is my First Annual County Hall Corner Award presentation. In 2018, 52 articles covered many areas of county government, and as I reviewed them, I came up with four categories of awards. First is the MOST FUN AWARD for the article that was the most personally enjoyable for me to research and write. There