
Latest Issue

  • “Always Give Thanks” By Scott Anthony Watson – 6th Grade, Curtin Intermediate School

    “Always Give Thanks” By Scott Anthony Watson – 6th Grade, Curtin Intermediate School0

    Always give thanks for the things you have, because what you have might not be what someone else has. You might have a nice source of entertainment, but the other person might not have nice things and can’t get access to the Internet. Always give thanks for the food that you eat. You might eat

  • Twenty-Fine Winners Selected in WADEF Holiday Essay Contest0

    The Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation recently concluded its annual Holiday Essay Contest, during which students in kindergarten through sixth grade were asked to answer, in 200 words or less: “What does the holiday season mean to you and why?” From a pool of 127 entries, the top 25 winners were selected and received

  • County Hall Corner: A Meeting Minus One 0

    When I attend the County Commissioners Meetings, I see people from time to time that know me, and they ask, “Larry, why are you here?” My standard reply is, “I cover the county for Webb Weekly and write a column called, ‘County Hall Corner.’” Often people apologize that they read the column but miss the

  • Gazette and Bulletin: December 10, 1954 – Smelly PRR Underpass at Pine Street Closed0

    The Pine Street underpass which permits pedestrians traffic under the Pennsylvania Railroad, has been closed temporarily, City Councilman Chester D. Wolfe, director of public safety, said yesterday. Built in 1898, the tunnel is one of the city’s landmarks. Mr. Wolfe citing the poor and unhealthy condition of the underpass as the reason for closing the

  • Christmas Album By Local Musicians To Benefit Lycoming Arts Program0

    When Meg Finn, director of the Lycoming Arts Council, and accomplished area musician and music producer, Walt Straiton, met several months ago to discuss the idea of producing a Christmas music album featuring area musicians, they had no idea that it would become such a work of love and great music that would benefit Lycoming

  • “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School

    “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School0

    The reason why I like Christmas is because it’s God’s birthday, and because of the meaning of giving. Sometimes I don’t like the presents, but I take them to be nice. My favorite part about Christmas is spending time with my family. My big brother is disabled, so I love him a lot. It’s like

  • Christmastime is Here…0

    Alright y’all. December is here, so I am officially on board for the Christmas season! I’ve started making my lists, and I even bought one present already! And it wasn’t even for me! It’s time for tree shopping, and ornament finding and I’m always on the hunt for vintage reindeer that border somewhere between adorable

  • Local Historian Tom Baird to Discuss Rare Copper Artifact at Museum – NCC8 Presentation Coincides with Museum’s Holiday Shopping Spree0

    Chris Andy adjusted his earphones and swung his metal detector left, then right, in a measured, cautious gesture. The sound, more clear this time, was distinct. The detector’s digital readout read copper, and he wondered if he would find another coin. Cautious to dig only a small divot from the turf, he heard the distinct

  • Winter Weather Emergency Preparedness

    Winter Weather Emergency Preparedness0

    As temperatures drop, the risk of severe winter weather conditions and sudden power outages rise. Preparing your family ahead of time can help minimize the impact of a power loss. Having an emergency preparation plan lets your family immediately shift into a proactive stance when an unexpected event, like power loss, occurs. Your plan may

  • Making the Adjustments for College Offers Rewarding Experience for Two Lycoming Basketball Players

    Making the Adjustments for College Offers Rewarding Experience for Two Lycoming Basketball Players0

    Most athletes in high school aspire to reach the next level of competition but making that adjustment can be difficult. The game’s pace picks up, and the players seem to get bigger. Despite the challenges, it’s rewarding as an education is likely to come along with the new challenges. As a player at Lewisburg Akilah

  • The Guide to Foolproof Babyproofing During the Holidays0

    You’ve spent the last nine months readying for your new bundle of joy, but is your home ready, too? As baby grows, so does his or her curiosity and ability to explore—and with the holidays fast approaching, even more people and hazards are afoot. Make sure your home is ready for a safe holiday celebration

  • 16th Salvation Army Festival of Trees To Be Held December 7 At Lycoming Mall0

    A chance to vote on beautifully decorated Christmas trees and the opportunity to help support the Salvation Army will again happen when the 16th Annual Salvation Army Festival of Trees is held at the Lycoming Mall on Friday, December 7, beginning at 7 p.m. This annual event is sponsored by the Lycoming Mall, Backyard Broadcasting