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    Larry Stout

    Larry W. Stout has worn lots of hats over the years; a decorated military veteran, ordained pastor, university professor in Europe, and missionary to the former Soviet Union. He has authored textbooks on human resource management and leadership that have been translated into six languages as well as had published two novels. He currently invests his energies as a foster parent and board member for eight different community organizations. He is a native of Montgomery, graduating from Montgomery Area High School in 1970, who married his high school sweetheart Debbie, and together they have raised two sons and two daughters, one of which is adopted, but they cannot remember which one.

Recent Articles

  • County Hall Corner: Independence Day is a Day Like No Other0

    When the Declaration of Independence was presented to the residents of the thirteen English colonies in the midsummer of 1776, there was not just strong support for the action but also a response from the American people that the day should be remembered. It is no wonder. Our early ancestors knew their history, and they

  • This Week’s LION: History-Making Lady Raiders0

    One of the great pleasures that comes to our area from the Little League World Series is the enthusiasm that is expressed by the small towns whose teams that are representing their region. The fans are easily spotted clumped together on Fourth Street in Williamsport at the Grand Slam Parade. They all have matching t-shirts

  • This Week’s LION: Junior Patriots0

    After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the United States suddenly became very patriotic. Yet, we are now decades away from that date. The Lycoming County 911 Motorcycle Ride has young people riding in this event that were even born after that day. That same patriotic impulses have been shown in the past couple

  • This Week’s LION: Abby McCoy – Champion in Life

    This Week’s LION: Abby McCoy – Champion in Life0

    I once had the pleasure of meeting James Irwin, one of the twelve men who walked on the moon. Irwin noted that, like his fellow moon-walking astronauts, he also suffered from depression years afterward. What happened was that they hit their peak in their late thirties and early forties. Think about it — after you

  • This Week’s LION: Anne Reiner – Information Entrepreneur0

    The idea behind this “Leaders in Our Neighborhood” (LION) column is to highlight people in our community who do extraordinary things but fly below many folks’ radar. I have wanted to feature Anne Reiner for several years, ever since we sat down in Backhouse Cafe on 4th Street in Williamsport (another place that needs to

  • This Week’s LION: Foster Parents Kyle and Kayla Nielsen

    This Week’s LION: Foster Parents Kyle and Kayla Nielsen0

    The financial toll that our society must pick up due to children that suffer from neglect, abuse, or abandonment from their parents is staggering. Out of the $100 million budget for Lycoming County government operations, $10 million of that goes toward Children and Youth Services. As staggering as that sum is, another need is even


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