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  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, despite your best efforts, you cannot seem to get much work done this week. Your head is in the clouds with matters of the heart. Soon enough your focus will return. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 This week you may tire from charging into battle and prefer others to

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, things may not progress the way you want them to unless you become a little more persistent. Figure out how to walk the line to achieve your goals. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, many things are going right with your life. But now it’s time to get a

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Being more selective can enhance your life in many different ways, Aries. You often are judged by the company you keep, so think about that when starting new relationships. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Set up camp on the sofa for the next few days, Taurus. Enjoy the rest and

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 You may struggle to get going this week, Aries. But once you do, it will be full speed ahead. In fact, you may need to slow things down to let others catch up. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, if you are feeling a bit scattered as of late, take

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, try to rectify an imbalance in a relationship with another person close to you this week. It’s never too late to make amends, and the rewards are fully worth it. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 Taurus, friction can be overcome with patience and perseverance. Take an even-keeled approach and

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES: Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, pay attention to the smaller details, as those are the ones most often ignored. You’ll be highly regarded if you pinpoint any errors in a timely manner. TAURUS: Apr 21–May 21 Work to the best of your ability, Taurus. Focus on your own work and serve as a source of


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