
Latest Issue

  • So You Want to be President …0

    I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for the Arctic air or the holiday shopping season. We enjoyed some beautiful Autumn weather; hopefully, Mother Nature is not giving us a preview of the winter ahead. Yes, I know I should be better prepared for the official kick-off to the holiday hustle and bustle

  • All Grown Up0

    If you didn’t survive your late teens and early twenties by living on Maruchan Ramen Noodles, I’m not sure that we can be friends, because obviously you don’t know real suffering. OK, OK, I’m kidding, but for a lot of us, the Ramen life was real. It is cheap, easy to make and fast. But

  • Thank a Veteran0

    Last year on Veterans Day I wrote a list of ‘thank yous’ to soldiers—past, present and training. Re-reading it was a stark reminder of all the things civilians take for granted in everyday life, so I think that it bears repeating. So to all of the men and women who are serving in each branch

  • Saluting Our Veterans0

    “We the People” are so very blessed to call the United States of America our home. The absolute freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted, are not an option for the majority of people around the world. The land and prosperity of our Nation are why everyone wants to immigrate to America, and no

  • The In-Between Time0

    Halloween is officially behind us and now we have a little bit of time to just breathe before the holiday season begins. I know that local stores would have you believe that the holidays are right on top of us, but let’s not rush things. Right now is the perfect time of year to just

  • One Long Season to Remember?0

    What an amazing time of year if you’re a sports fan. There is something going on for everyone — provided you are interested in athletic competition. On the professional sports scene all four major sports can be found in season, sometimes all competing on the same day. Major League Baseball is wrapping up their Fall

  • And the Winners are…0

    The weather is getting colder, I’m seeing pumpkin spice everything, everywhere…I guess that means fall is here! The best part is, is that Halloween is this weekend! Speaking of Halloween, I picked all the winners for our Halloween contest Congratulations to the following winners of our Gathering Ghosts Contest! • Sophia Burley • Hunter Toon

  • “You Should Be Here”0

    Happy Halloween! Make sure you watch out for all trick-or-treaters young and old. Parents, please check all the candy and goodies, besides that’s the best part of being a dad during Halloween. My kids wondered why I only checked the Kit Kats and Snickers. This week is my favorite from publisher picture of the year.

  • Under the October Sky0

    The third Saturday in October can mean just one thing in these parts — the Mummers’ Parade in Southside. Hard for me to believe this year marks the 72nd anniversary of the Autumn event. It seems like only yesterday I couldn’t wait for the parade to begin and to gather up all the candy possible.

  • Gather Ghosts and Giving Back0

    We are officially on the second and final week of our Annual Halloween Contest! Just in case you need another reminder on how to participate… Scattered throughout this issue, you will find several adorable little ghosts. All you need to do is count them…easy peasy. Better run skeleton — I’ll wait while you count… Done?

  • An Act of Evil0

    Our publication had already gone to press prior to the horrific act that took place in Las Vegas. So first I would like to express our heartfelt thoughts of sympathy and prayers for the victims, families, and their loved ones of this senseless act of violence. The most asked question about the attack is simply,

  • Gathering Ghosts!0

    Attention boys and girls! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! I’m sure you know how this works, but just in case you forgot, let me refresh your memory. Scattered throughout this issue you will find a variety of ghosts. All you need to do is count them…easy peasy. Then do