
Latest Issue

  • World Health Day0

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), April 7th is World Health Day. WHO’s primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations’ system. According to their website, “We support countries as they coordinate the efforts of multiple sectors of the government and partners — including bi- and multilaterals, funds and

  • Rise and Shine

    Rise and Shine0

    As I sit and ponder what to write about it’s a beautiful sun-drenched spring morning. Although the temperature might be a little on the chilly side, the smell of spring is in the air. You can feel the warmth of the sun and just know warmer days are right around the corner. It’s such a

  • Happy Easter!0

    Happy Easter everyone! I hope that you all have a happy and blessed holiday! Easter is the perfect holiday to gather friends and family and enjoy a good meal and quality time together. As you all know, cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. And while I am currently on a mission to make the

  • Commitment and Excellence

    Commitment and Excellence0

    Young people today are faced with so many more problems than when I was a student. Yes, we had the Cold War, and the fear of nuclear weapons, and Three Mile Island was another hot topic of the day, but what goes on around young folks today most of us never imagined. Please appreciate how

  • Things to Do: Spring Spectacular!0

    The calendar claims that spring starts this week. Sitting here on the Friday before and looking at the long-range forecast, Mother Nature would apparently beg to differ. It’s nice that it isn’t dark, or almost dark when I get home from work though, so I’ve got that going for me. For arguments sake, we are

  • Mid March Memories and Traditions0

    What a wonderful time of year as the calendar reads the middle of March. Robins can be found abound. It is so great to wake up to the sounds of birds singing in the morning. Don’t get me wrong winter could still bring us some Arctic air but one thing’s for sure, it can’t last

  • Where Eagles Soar0

    It was the late 70s, and the American bald eagle was on the verge of extinction and placed on the endangered species list. I remember thinking at the time that I had never seen a bald in the wild and questioned whether I ever would. Well, the bald eagle has become one of those great

  • Staying Active in Senior Years0

    We all know the importance of staying active as we age. Exercising not only keeps your weight down, but also boosts immunity and mood, and has been shown to promote heart health, delay or prevent osteoporosis and even prevent some types of cancer. Exercise is also a social activity. A water aerobics class gives the

  • Enjoying Penns Woods Traditions0

    Well, it’s great to see the month of March just on the horizon. Before you know it everybody will be migrating back outside. The baseball, softball, and soccer fields will come to life. Everybody will resume those warm weather activities we love in the West Branch Valley. We’re only a few days away from the

  • Made It!0

    OK guys! This is it, the end of February. That means we are a mere 20 days from spring! It’s amazing how January seemingly took five years to get through, but February was gone in a week. With what will hopefully be warmer weather and plentiful sunshine on the horizon, it’s time to start making

  • Mr. 900! And Wanted: Men in Blue and West End Boys

    Mr. 900! And Wanted: Men in Blue and West End Boys0

    Congratulations to Loyalsock head basketball coach Ron Insinger on recording his 900th victory! C.I., as he is affectionately known, already holds the record for wins as a high school basketball coach in the state of Pennsylvania. He is sitting at 902 as I pen this article. I look forward to the day he cracks 1,000

  • More Than Thoughts and Prayers0

    I’m not going to write much of a story this week. What can I say? For the 18th time this year, there has been another gun incident involving a school. This time 17 innocent people lost their lives. I am a proponent of the 2nd amendment. I believe that responsible, mentally stable adults have the