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  • Plentiful Predictions!0

    I gotta say, this is one of my favorite articles to write each year. Mike Rafferty started the Super Bowl Predictions articles, and I couldn’t wait to continue the tradition. So without further ado, let’s get to it! As always we start with the News Team, which for those who don’t know, is my group

  • Happy Anniversary!0

    Happy Anniversary! January 22, 2003, we published the first issue of Webb Weekly. Our cover story was about the upcoming Super Bowl. Man, have we covered a lot since then. Going back through and looking at past issues this week has been a trip, to say the least. The people, places, events and more that

  • What’s the Haps?0

    We are officially at the beginning of winter blues season. It’s cold. It’s dark. People all over are sick. It’s generally pretty icky. The best way to stave off the winter dull drums is to get out of the house. There are always a ton of things going on locally so get out and enjoy

  • Brrrrr.0

    Y’all, I don’t know what the weather is like when you are reading this, but as of this writing — It. Is. Cold. It is downright frigid with temps in the single digits and wind chills in the negative doubles. Obviously, going outside a lot is not in the cards, so it’s time to find

  • Happy New Year!0

    So clearly I am not Jimmy. He will be back next week, but I stole his space to give him some credit that he would never think he deserves. Jimmy does a lot for the community and the people in the community and it goes mostly unrecognized, and I think everyone deserves a thank you

  • Merry Christmas0

    As of this writing we are t-minus 10 days until Santa starts his journey! I am in final preparations! Just a few more gifts to buy and a metric ton of grocery shopping to go! I am so excited to announce the winners of the Blaise Alexander Family Dealer.ships Christmas Coloring Contest! It was no


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