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  • Protecting Innocence – Part 20

    **Warning** What I am about to talk about is ugly. It’s scary, and it’s graphic. It’s not an easy subject to talk, or write about, but ignoring the issue, or pretending that it isn’t as bad, isn’t protecting innocent kids from one side of the world to the other. What I am talking about is

  • Protecting Innocence – Part I0

    **Warning** What I am about to talk about is ugly. It’s scary, and it’s graphic. It’s not an easy subject to talk, or write about, but ignoring the issue, or pretending that it isn’t as bad, isn’t protecting innocent kids from one side of the world to the other. What I am talking about is

  • Family Fun Month0

    Obviously, this hasn’t been a typical summer, but August is Family Fun Month and I think that we all deserve to celebrate! So, with everything going on in the world, what are some fun ways to celebrate the winding down of summer with family? I’ve got some ideas for you! Spend a Day in Nature

  • Revisiting Macarons0

    I love macarons. Next to red velvet cake, they are probably my favorite dessert. I don’t have a huge sweet tooth, but I LOVE macarons. Now, if you haven’t attempted to make these, you should know, they are not easy. So much can go wrong so easily, and it can sometimes be hard to pinpoint

  • Need a Break!0

    I am normally pretty active on social media. But I’ve got to tell y’all, I’m beginning to reach my limit. I’m not sure there are enough ‘unfollow’ buttons to keep up with social media these days. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, social distance, protest, facts, opinions, false equivalency, virtue signaling, the spreading of

  • On the Grow…

    On the Grow…0

    I am absolutely terrible at keeping plants alive. I’ve killed the unkillable. Even air plants have lost their lives under my watch. It’s almost comical. But for some reason, I keep trying. And, y’all, I’ve to tell you, I think I may finally have a handle on it! I currently have three houseplants that are


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