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  • Happy Halloween…0

    Ghosts and goblins, Spooks galore, Scary witches at your door! Jack-o’-lanterns smiling bright, Wishing you a haunting night! Pssssssst! Hey kids! C’mere! Got something to tell y’all! (Parental figures, please skip down two paragraphs.) OK, are they gone? Good! Alright littles, just a reminder there are multiple nights of trick-or-treating this weekend, so make sure

  • Counting Candy Contest Continues…0

    We are officially on the second and final week of our Annual Halloween Contest! Just in case you need another reminder on how to participate… Scattered throughout this issue you will find a bunch of little candies spread throughout! All you need to do is count them…easy peasy. Now, take care polar bear — I’ll

  • Spooky Season has Arrived!0

    Counting Candy Contest! Boys and girls, goblins and ghouls! Step right up and play the game! Everyone has a chance to win a prize! It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is my FAVORITE contest of the year, and I always look forward to picking out what we will be

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Self-Breast Exams0

    I think the title is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case, here is your warning. This week I’m going to be talking about ta-tas. Specifically, how to do self-breast exams. If, for some reason, that makes you uncomfortable, just keep moving on. Because you know what makes me and millions of people across the world

  • Fall Bucket List… Just Kidding, Let’s Eat!0

    Now, I could carry on about all the fun things that I want to do this fall, and even have some pretty firm plans for at least one day of fall fun, but I think we all know by now that the chance of me accomplishing much more than Columbus Day at the pumpkin patch

  • Thank You!0

    By the time you read this, the 20th anniversary of September 11th will be behind us. But before we put another year in the rearview (and especially since as I’m writing it’s September 10th), I wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped make the first 9/11 Heroes Challenge a success! Steve and I


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