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  • Adopt a Shelter Dog

    Adopt a Shelter Dog0

    Anyone who knows me, knows that I am notoriously early for everything. Obnoxiously so sometimes. I can’t help it. Being late gives me anxiety, and as Mr. Webb used to say, “If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, and if you’re late, you’re out the door.” So that means we

  • Seasonal Skin Care0

    Fall is officially upon and us and as you start to transition your wardrobe for fall remember that your skin is going to be transitioning as well. A great way to start a new season is with a facial! Not only will it prep your skin for the weather changes, but it’s also a great

  • Hunger Action Month0

    September is Hunger Action Month. It was established by Feeding America in 2008 when they decided it was time for a nationwide push to get involved with the hunger crisis across the country. During September, people everywhere help to feed the needy in their neighborhoods and country, working to ensure that the 48 million people

  • Fall Bucket List…Take 120

    This is probably the eleventy-billionth time I have made a Fall Bucket List. Every year I get this laundry list of ideas in my head that I want to do before the leaves and snow hit the ground. Usually, I manage like two of them. But once again, I’m going to put my list out

  • “Back to School”0

    Most kids have already headed back to school or are headed back this week — at least somewhat. Y’all know I don’t lie to you. I try to tell you the truth, even when it’s ugly. So here we go — it’s going to be a tough year. Everything is new. Everything is different. And

  • Picnic Prep

    Picnic Prep0

    So, I have plans to go to a party this weekend. Since I have issues showing up empty handed, I’ve been thinking about what I can bring. Also, with Labor Day coming up, I know you all have potlucks and BBQs on the horizon too. I like to try out new recipes for parties, so


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