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  • Happy Father’s Day…0

    Much like my Mother’s Day list, my Father’s Day list changes and flow and gets a few edits along the way, but I think it’s a pretty good list. So much like Dads usually appreciate, let’s not get fussy and get on with it… First and foremost, Happy Father’s Day to Steve. You are an

  • A Healthy Summer0

    I have absolutely fallen off the healthy wagon. Multiple times this year alone! But that’s OK. Because no matter how many times you fall off, you can always get back on. So back on we go! It been difficult for me to work out a good time to hit the gym. There’s not really enough

  • Close Enough – Adopt a Cat!0

    I’m calling it close enough to June to talk about National Adopt a Cat Month. Probably not coincidentally, June is also the height of kitten season, which means there will be lots of kitties looking for homes this month. If you are willing and able, adopting a new feline furbaby is always a great idea,

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick-off to summer. With that, we are once again kicking off our summer giveaway! It’s another year for our Great American Cookout giveaway! We have a grill courtesy of Elery Nau Hardware and gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats and Frosty Beverage! That’s everything you need to start

  • Back on the Wagon0

    Well guys, I did it. I fell of the New Year’s Resolution wagon. Remember how I talked about on of resolutions being eating at home more, and spending less money eating out? Well it has slipped away from me. Life has a way of happening sometimes, and I’ve gotten off course. So, it’s time for

  • Happy Mother’s Day0

    No surprises here, it’s time for my annual Happy Mother’s Day list! Every year I think about doing something different, but I think this is the ultimate list. No matter what kind of Mom you are! And to all the Moms out there, if no one has told you lately — you’re doing an awesome


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