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  • Welcome Back!0

    I always consider the Little League World Series to be the unofficial end of summer. Back to school is right around the corner and the LLWS is an amazing way to finish off summer vacations. I’m so excited to see the Little League World Series in its traditional form. It will certainly be incredible to

  • Take Care of Your Mental Health0

    I think it’s safe to say that it’s tough out there today. There is so much going on in the world — drugs, rape, murder, poverty, hunger, abuse, insane inflation, racism, sexism, the rest of the -isms, health concerns, money concerns, trying to find enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs

  • It’s Not Time…But It’s Time…0

    Listen, I don’t want to think about it. You don’t want to think about it. But, alas, it’s time to start thinking about it. If you’ve been in a store lately, you know exactly what I’m talking about — the dreaded back to school. If you are sending your little one off to kindergarten, then

  • Prepare Meals Together as a Family0

    Last week I talked about the importance of talking with and being involved with your children and how that can make warning signs of child sexual abuse more obvious and help the child feel more comfortable coming to you if something isn’t right. So let’s talk about an easy way to have some family fun

  • Let’s Talk…0

    Statutory sexual assault, institutional sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault, corrupting the morals of a minor, unlawful contact with a minor, endangering the welfare of minors, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse… How many times have you read headlines that involve these charges recently? Obviously, one is too many, but these cases seem to be becoming more and

  • Improve Reading Comprehension0

    I know! I know! It’s summer! Why are we thinking about reading comprehension? We are supposed to be swimming and vacationing and all that! But the ‘Summer Slide’ is real, and according to Scholastic, kids lose significant knowledge in reading and math over summer break, which tends to have a snowball effect as they experience


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