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  • Summer Bucket List0

    I am notorious for the Uncompleted Bucket List. It’s a terrible habit. I have all these big ideas and plans, and then — poof! — my timeline has passed, and I’m lucky if I have completed one or two items. That being said, does that keep me from making said lists and still being content

  • World Otter Day

    World Otter Day0

    According to the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF), “World Otter Day brings all otter species to the attention of many people. It focuses on raising awareness about how important otters are and also highlights the threats that they face. There are certain issues faced by otters that some people are largely unaware of, such as

  • Memorial Day0

    Memorial Day is often considered the unofficial kick-off to summer. With that, we are once again kicking off our summer giveaway! It’s another year for our Great American Cookout giveaway! We have a grill courtesy of Elery Nau Hardware and gift cards to Rupert’s Specialty Meats and Frosty Beverage! That’s everything you need to start

  • World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day0

    After some weird weather to kick off May, we have finally turned the corner on spring weather! The final frost has passed, so that means it’s the perfect time to plant something! As the old saying goes, “Give a man some vegetables, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to grow

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day0

    Every year, I think, “Steph, maybe you should do something different for Mother’s Day this year? Change it up a bit.” But then I read through this list and think, “Nah, this is the ultimate Mother’s Day list! Moms are out here killin’ it every day, and no matter what type of Mom they are,

  • Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute0

    Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you. I’m a helper, so I’m helping. If you have a mom, grandmother, aunt — anyone that you view as some sort of maternal figure, do them and yourself a favor and don’t wait until the last minute to do something for them for Mother’s Day. Not only


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