
Latest Issue

Spooky Season has Arrived! Guessing Ghosts Contest!

Boys and Girls! Gather ‘round! Step right up and play the game! Everyone has a chance to win a prize!

It is time once again for Webb Weekly’s annual Halloween contest! This is one of my favorite Webb Weekly moments of the year! This year, we will take a ghostly turn as we count the adorable little Ghosts!

We’ve been doing this for close to twenty years, so I’m sure you know how this works, but just in case you forgot, let’s jog the noggin.

Scattered throughout this issue, you will find a variety of Ghosts. The rules of the game are simple. Count up all the little ghosts you find in the October 11th and October 18th editions of the paper. Then take the total of the two weeks together and send them to me. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy…

I will then take everyone who answered correctly and pick ten random winners. Winners will receive a bucket full of goodies big enough to have several local dentists very upset with me! Maybe I should start including a toothbrush with each bucket… Anyway — have no doubt, it’s a serious amount of candy. I take my bucket building more seriously than Tommy Jarvis trying to avoid Jason Vorhees.

The easiest way to enter the contest is to email the answer to, or you can drop a postcard in the snail mail at Webb Weekly, 280 Kane St., Suite 2, South Williamsport, PA 17702. Or, if you are so inclined, you can drop your entry off at our office; we are open Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., and on Fridays, we are usually here until around 2 p.m. Entries must be submitted by October 20th around noon or so. Winners will be listed in the October 25th edition. But I’ll call or email the winners before that.

Remember, the contest is only open to kiddos 12 and under and only one entry per kid.

Each year, we rotate through the local animal shelters and donate $1 for each entry received. This year is the Lycoming County SPCA’s turn, so let’s help the adorable little fur babies! Be sure to get your entries in and help support a great cause. Plus, ya know — candy. So. Much. Candy.

So, look carefully and count them up! I’m not here to make this easy for you, so make sure you check every page closely!

A Halloween contest can only mean that spooky season has arrived and Halloween is right around the corner! Have you picked your costume yet?

We’d love to hear about you and/or your kids’ Halloween costumes, so share them with us on Facebook, or better yet, post some pictures!

If I receive enough pictures via Facebook ( and/or email (, maybe you’ll see your little one on an upcoming cover! You can even attach the picture to your email entry (

Now, I gotta run skeleton! Enjoy spooky season!