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  • Not Jimmy and Thoughts on Life0

    Yeah, yeah…not Jimmy. Listen. Jimmy is over winter and over February, so he’s decided to hibernate until March officially arrives. So, he’ll be back next week. In the meantime, you are stuck with me. When we talked about me taking his space for the week he asked if I had anything near and dear to

  • The Best* Valentine’s Day Dating Advice Ever0

    Valentine’s Day is upon us, and love is in the air! Or maybe that’s just the smell of desperation mixed with discount chocolate and regret. Either way, if you’re looking for a date this February 14th, I have compiled the absolute best* advice to ensure your Valentine’s Day is as romantic and memorable as possible*.

  • No One Likes Us… Got to Love Us… 2025 Super Bowl Predictions…0

    Ladies and gentlemen…are you ready? Find your seat and buckle up. We’ve got a lot to cover. It’s time to delve into the Valley’s Super Bowl Predictions… Given how long last year’s article ended up being, let’s not waste time with introductions and get right into it! Starting with the Webb Weekly office: Jaimie consulted

  • Eagles Mere Toboggan Slide Returns!0

    That’s right, y’all! After 11 years, the famous Toboggan Slide in Eagles Mere is set to re-open on Friday, January 31st! Before we get to the details, let’s go over the history a bit! Created by the volunteer fire company, the ice toboggan slide has been delighting winter visitors since 1904. According to the group’s

  • Donate Today!0

    I know, I know. Not Jimmy. Don’t worry, he’ll be back next week. Honestly, I’m not even 100% sure where he is. Sometimes he’s harder to keep track of than the elves I bring from the North Pole for the Christmas Coloring Contest. He left this morning mumbling something about scoring bucks and possibly going

  • Update Your Emergency Contact Information With PennDOT: A Simple Way to Boost Your Safety!0

    Hey there, Pennsylvania drivers! When it comes to staying safe on the road, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for the unexpected. That’s where the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) comes in with a fantastic service that lets you easily update your emergency contact information. Trust me, this small step can make a


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