
Latest Issue

  • How to Exfoliate Your Face0

    As the seasons change, so, too, should skincare routines. Once the weather reaches warmer temperatures in the summer months, most people will experience a shift in their skin — from extensive dehydration or dry patches to excessive amounts of oils caused by sweat. There are countless reasons for this, ranging from the added humidity in

  • When the Weather is Hot, Keep a Cool Mind

    When the Weather is Hot, Keep a Cool Mind0

    On these hot days of July, who wants to have a hot stove on? Jeeze, even just running a dryer makes a big difference when you are trying to cool your house on hot days like these. I try to hang as many clothes out on the line as I can. You can’t beat the

  • What to Wear to an Amusement Park0

    Summer is in full gear, and as things start opening up, you may be planning a trip to an amusement park! Spending a day or two at a theme park is not for the faint of heart, and comfort is a definite priority. Whether just for the day or a week-long vacation, there’s not much

  • Lunges for Hiking0

    When I first started training for a living, almost 30 years ago, I had access to very little leg equipment with which to train my clients. Out of necessity, I had my clients perform countless numbers of lunge variations, and they quickly became the exercise that everyone loved to hate. In fact, I became somewhat

  • Grocery Shopping

    Grocery Shopping0

    Those two little words — grocery shopping. You either love it or hate it. I love it. I think it’s the foodie in me. I enjoy going up and down the aisles and seeing what goodies I can find. I typically have my phone in my hand. Not because I am texting, but because I

  • Mom Style0

    My style has definitely taken a hit since becoming a mom — as it does for most women when they have a family. I’m not suggesting that moms are dowdy or unkempt, but they usually aren’t as fashionable as non-moms, which is to be expected since style gets knocked down a few rungs on the

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Blood and Treasure: Daniel Boone and the Fight for America’s First Frontier” by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin

    The Bookworm Sez: “Blood and Treasure: Daniel Boone and the Fight for America’s First Frontier” by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin0

    You’re never going to find it. Not easily, anyhow. You’ll have to look in places where you wouldn’t think it’d be, beneath, behind, and beyond, left, right, and in front of you. Don’t give up, or you’ll never discover what you’re looking for. As in the new book “Blood and Treasure” by Bob Drury and

  • Church: Called Into God’s Presence0

    As we emerge from the pandemic, the Church world is asking itself some very basic questions: What is the Church? What is the Church supposed to be doing? How does the Church know when it is doing the right things? How does the Church determine when it has been successful? The answers to these questions

  • Think Small When Setting Goals0

    We are all guilty of being impatient from time to time, and it seems that our ability to delay gratification diminishes a bit more every day. The fitness industry is no exception. In our fast-paced society, we are bombarded with advertisements for diet pills, the latest exercise machines, and celebrity trainers that all purport to

  • Pollinators


    Pollination, the transfer of pollen from one flower to another, results in the production of vegetables, fruits, and the seeds we need to grow more plants. Bees, flies, butterflies, birds, and beetles are the pollinators, carrying pollen on their bodies and then distributing it as they move from one flower to the next. We need

  • Church: The Time is Now0

    As we emerge from the madness of a global pandemic catastrophe, the Church-world is taking a hard look at itself – and well, it should. The Church, especially in the United States, has been losing ground for nearly 50 years. The Church in the US has experienced the greatest missional opportunities of the past 2,000

  • Happy Birthday America!

    Happy Birthday America!0

    Oh Beautiful, for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountains majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America!
God shed his grace on thee! And crown the good, with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! As I sang this song in my head while typing it out, I could see my Gram, Lois Liddick,